LabIS AgentLink Member


Specialized Book

Duží Marie, Jespersen Bjorn and Materna Pavel. Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic. Foundations and Applications of Trasnsparent Intensional Logic. First edition. Berlin: Springer, series Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, vol. 17, 2010, ISBN 978-90-481-8811-6, 550 pp.
Duží, M. (2006): 16th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Ostrava VSB-TUO, Ed. Y. Kiyoki, H. Kangassalo, M. Duží, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
Duží, M. (2007): Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVIII, Amsterdam: IOS Press, Duží, M., Jaakkola, H., Kiyoki, Y., Kangassalo, H. (eds.), ISBN 978-1-58603-710-9

Chapter in Specialized Book

Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005): Logical Form. Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics and Logic. Advanced Studies in Mathematics and Logic, 1, G. Sica (ed.). Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, Monza / Italy, 2005, pp. 115-153.
Horáková B., Pauknerová E.(2004): A Compendium of European SDI Best Practice. GINIE: Geographic Information Network in Europe. IST-2000-29493. January 2004. Section 5.2, 31 1 2004, EUROGI. 8 s.
Horák J., Šimek M., Horáková B. (2004): Examples of Geoinformation Technology Use in Labour Market Analyses. In The Czech Geography at the Dawn of the Millennium, str. 391-410, Česká geografická společnost Olomouc 2004. ISBN 80-244-0858-9.

Papers in Specialized Periodicals

  1. Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P. (2009): 'Pi' in the Sky. In Festschrift devoted to B.G. Sundholm. Ed. G. Primiero, S. Rahman, London:, College Publications Tribute Series, 149-164
  2. Duží, M., Jespersen, B. (2009): Procedural semantics for mathematical constants. In the Logica Yearbook 2008. Ed. Peliš, M., King's College London:College Publications, 57-70, ISBN 978-1-904987-46-8
  3. Zobrazit abstrakt
  4. Duží, M., Ciprich Nikola, Košinár, M. (2009): TIL-Script Languge. In knize: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, X. Chen, N. Yoshida, Amsterdam :IOS Press , 166-179, ISBN 978-1-58603-957-8
  5. Zobrazit abstrakt
  6. Duží, M., Materna P. (2009): Concepts and Ontologies. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX . Ed. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, X. Chen, N. Yoshida, Amsterdam :IOS Press , 45-64, ISBN 978-1-58603-957-8
  7. Zobrazit abstrakt
  8. Duží, M. (2009): Multi-Agent Knowledge Modelling. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX . Ed. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, X. Chen, N. Yoshida, Amsterdam :IOS Press , 411-428, ISBN 978-1-58603-957-8
  9. Zobrazit abstrakt
  10. Czichon, C. A., Vondrák, I., R. W. Peterson, E. G. Mettala (2005): Coordinating teams of autonomous vehicles: an architectural perspective. In Defense & Security, Bellingham, WA:SPIE, 1-12, ISBN 0-8194-5789-2
  11. Zobrazit abstrakt
  12. Číhalová, M.: Podmínky racionality reflektované z pozice poznávajícího subjektu. In Filosofický časopis 6/2008, pp. 921-930.
  13. Číhalová, M., Ďuráková, D., Hrubá, L., Rapant, P. (2009): Ontological Background of Knowledge Representation. Submitted to Acta Montanistica (slovenský časopis), to appear.
  14. Duží, M. (2003): Do we have to deal with partiality? Miscellanea Logica, Vol. V, pp. 45-76.
  15. Zobrazit abstrakt
  16. Duží, M. (2003): Notional attitudes (On wishing, seeking and finding). Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. X, No. 3, 237-260.
  17. Zobrazit abstrakt
  18. Duží, M. (2004): Intensional Logic and the Irreducible Contrast between de dicto and de re, ProFil (volume) 5, (number) 1, 2004, 1-34, ISSN 1212-9097
  19. Zobrazit abstrakt
  20. Duží, M. (2004): Jazyk a pojmy (aneb o čem a jak mluvíme). Organon F, Veda Bratislava, Použvanie, interpretácia a význam jazykových výrazů, 20-34.
  21. Duží, M. (2005): Kurt Gödel. Metamathematical results on formally undecidable propositions: Completeness vs. Incompleteness. Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XII, No. 4, 447-474.
  22. Zobrazit abstrakt
  23. Duží, M. (2006): Anafora a význam. Jazyk z pohladu sémantiky a filosofie vedy. Organon F (príloha), 99-136.
  24. Zobrazit abstrakt
  25. Duží, M. (2006): Informativnost matematických či analyticky pravdivých tvrzení a paradox inference. Filosofický časopis, Vol. 54, č. 4, 501-522.
  26. Zobrazit abstrakt
  27. Duží, M. (2007: Properties on the Edge. In Svet jazyka a svet za jazykom, Marvan, T., Zouhar, M. (eds), Bratislava: Filosofický ústav SAV, pp. 42-68, ISBN 978-80-967225-9-4.
  28. Duží, M. (2008): R. Carnap, Význam a nevyhnutnost. In Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XV, No. 2, 261-273.
  29. Zobrazit abstrakt
  30. Duží, M. (2008): TIL as the Logic of Communication in a Multi-Agent System. In Research in Computing Science, vol. 33, 27-40.
  31. Zobrazit abstrakt
  32. Duží, M.: (2009): 'Topic-focus articulation from the semantic point of view'. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Springer-Verlag LNCS, 2009, vol. 5449, pp. 220-232.
  33. Duží, M., Horák, A., Pala, K., Materna, P. (2007): Verb Valency Semantic Representation for Deep Linguistic Processing. In ACL 2007. Ed. Timothy Baldwin, Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics, 97-104.
  34. Zobrazit abstrakt
  35. Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P. (2006): Points of View from a Logical Perspective (I). In Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XIII, No. 3, 227-305.
  36. Zobrazit abstrakt
  37. Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P. (2007): Points of View from a Logical Perspective (II). Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XIV, No. 1, 5-31.
  38. Zobrazit abstrakt
  39. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2004): A Procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori. Korean Journal of Logic, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1-22.
  40. Zobrazit abstrakt
  41. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005): Parmenides Principle. Philosophia, philosophical quaterly of Israel, May 2005, No. 32, 155-180.
  42. Zobrazit abstrakt
  43. Hliněný, P. (2006): On matroid representability and minor problems. In MFCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, čis. 4126, 505-516
  44. Zobrazit abstrakt
  45. Hliněný, P., Salazar Gelasio (2007): Approximating the Crossing Number of Toroidal Graphs. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.
  46. Zobrazit abstrakt
  47. Hliněný, P., Salazar, Gelasio, Gitler, Isidoro, Leanos, Jesus (2007): The crossing number of a projective graph is quadratic in the face--width (Extended abstract). In Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, vol. C, čis. 29, 219-223, ISSN 1571-0653
  48. Zobrazit abstrakt
  49. Hjelmager, J, Moellering, H., Cooper, A., Delgado, T., Rajabifard, A., Rapant, P., Danko, D., Huet, M., Laurent, D., Aalders, H., Iwaniak, A., Abad, P., Düren, U., Martynenko, A.: An initial formal model for spatial data infrastructures. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 22, Issue 11 & 12 2008, pp. 1295 - 1309. (IF 1,822 v roce 2007). (15 %)
  50. Horáková B. (2003): Need for Legislation to Support Technological Solutions. MIDAS On-line Geodata Catalogue. GIM International, The Worlwide Magazin for Geomatics. July 2003, volume 17, 12-13, ISSN 1566-9076.
  51. Horáková B. (2004): Metainformační infrastruktura v ČR - koncepce a současný stav, GeoInfo, Computer Press, 1/2004, ISSN 1212-4311.
  52. Horáková B. (2006): Globalizace v technické normalizaci, Geoinformace 3/2006, Klaudian Praha, ISSN 1214-2204.
  53. Horáková B. (2006): Technical normalization in the geoinformatics branch, Acta Montanistica Slovaca. Ročník 11 (2006), číslo 3, 182-191, ISSN 1335-1788.
  54. Horáková B. (2007): Current principles and importance of technical harmonize in EU for technical standardization. GeoScience Engineering, volume LIII (2007), No.1, p. 36-52, ISSN 1802-5420, 2007.
  55. Jančar, P., Kučera Antonín (2006): Equivalence-checking on infinite-state systems: Techniques and results. In Journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, čis. 6, Vol. 2006, 227-264.
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  57. Menšík, M., Miketa Tomáš (2006): E-learningová podpora výuky logiky (eLogika). In ORGANON V., s. 76-88
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  59. Růžicka J., Horáková B., Ožana R., Prager M. (2007): Spatial metadata infrastructure in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, ISSN 1725-0463, 2007. (v tisku).


Papers in Proceedings

  1. Číhalová M., Ciprich N., Duží M., Menšík M. (2008): TIL and Logic Programming. In RASLAN2008 proceedings, Brno, Masaryk University, pp. 17-31, ISBN 978-80-210-4741-9
  2. Zobrazit abstrakt
  3. Číhalová, M. Ďuráková, D. Hrubá, L. Rapant, P. (2008): Building of Traffic Infrastructure Ontology for MAS. In PEŠKOVÁ, Kateřina (ed.).: Symposium GIS Ostrava 2008, VŠB-TU Ostrava.
  4. Číhalová, M., Menšík, M. (2009): Metodika hodnocení obtížnosti příkladů řešených v kalkulu přirozené dedukce a obecné rezoluční metody. In Dostálová, L., Šebela, K. (eds.): ORGANON VI: Odkud a jak brát stále nové příklady? Praha: Karolinum 2009
  5. Cooper, A. et al. (2007): An Initial Model For The Computation Viewpoint Of A Spatial Data Infrastructure. In: Proceedings of XXIII International Cartographic Conference 4-10 August Moscow 2007, Russia. (CD-ROM)
  6. Děrgel P., Fuks P. (2006): Intelligent traffic simulation based on Multi-Agent system. In sborník konference BNAIC 06. Namur 2006. ISSN 1568-7805
  7. Děrgel P., Fuks P. (2006): Simulation environment for situated Multi-agent systems. Poster, GICON 2006. Vídeň 2006
  8. Děrgel P., Stankovič J. (2008): Modelling and visualization of the traffic system with Multi-agent system and GIS. In proceedings: WORLDCOMP'08/MSV, Las Vegas, ISBN 1-60132-090-6 (Print 2), CSREA Press, LV, USA.
  9. Děrgel, P., Fuks, P. (2007): Traffic simulation using distributed cellular automata in the Multi-agent system, Acta Montanistica Slovaca 27 (2007), No 1, 48-52, ISSN 1335-1788
  10. Děrgel, P., Fuks, P., Hrubá, L. (2007): Multi-agent traffic simulation using GIS: Intelligent systems and agents 2007. In PALMA DOS REIS, António, BLASHKI, Katherine, XIAO, Yingcai. IADIS International conferences on computer science and information systéme, Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press, pp 273-276. ISBN 978-972-8924-39-3.
  11. Děrgel, P., Fuks, P., Hrubá, L. (2007): Traffic simulation environment for Multi-Agent systems based on GIS: Agent-based modelling. In DEMŠAR, Urška. GeoComputation 2007. Maynooth, Ireland: NCG.
  12. Děrgel, P., Fuks, P., Hrubá, L. (2008): GIS traffic micro-simulation with multi-agent system, The 7th International Conference on Asia GIS. Asia GIS 2008, Busan, Korea, 2008. ISSN 2005-2995
  13. Ďuráková, D., Číhalová, M., Hrubá L., Rapant P. (2009): Methodology of ontology building. To appear in PEŠKOVÁ, Kateřina (ed.).: Symposium GIS Ostrava 2009, Ostrava, VŠB-TU Ostrava.
  14. Ďuráková, D., Gajdoš, P. (2006): Object order based on concept analysis and Moebius Inversion Function. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, J. Hanno, H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10, ISBN 1-58603-591-6
  15. Zobrazit abstrakt
  16. Duží, M. (2004): Concepts, Language and Ontologies (from the logical point of view). In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XV. Amsterdam: IOS Press 2004, pp. 193-209.
  17. Zobrazit abstrakt
  18. Duží, M. (2006): Semantic Web Ontology and Natural Language. In GIS Ostrava 2006. Ed. Jan Růžička, Ostrava: VSB TUO, 20 pp, ISSN 1213-239X
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  20. Duží, M. (2007): Knowledge Representation and Communication in the Multi-Agent World, Kyoto Japan: NICT, 40 pp.
  21. Zobrazit abstrakt
  22. Duží, M. (2007): Semantic pre-processing of anaphoric references. In sborníku z konference RASLAN 2007. Ed. Sojka, P., Horák, A., Brno, pp. 43-56, ISBN 978-80-210-4471-5.
  23. Zobrazit abstrakt
  24. Duží, M. (2007): The Use-Mention Distinction. In The Logica Yearbook 2006. Ed. O. Tomala, R. Honzík, Prague: Filosofia, pp. 33-50, ISBN 978-80-7007-254-7.
  25. Zobrazit abstrakt
  26. Duží, M. (2008): Semantic Information and the Paradox of Inference. In Jednotliviny, všeobecniny, významy. Ed. Marián Zouhar, Bratislava: Slovenská akademie vied, 34-59, ISBN 978-80-969770-1-7.
  27. Zobrazit abstrakt
  28. Duží, M. (2008): Transparent Intensional Logic as a partial, hyperintensional lambda calculus. World Congress LMPS Beijing, China, 196-197.
  29. Duží, M., Ciprich, N., Frydrych, T., Kohut, O., Košinár, M.. (2008): The Architecture of an Intelligent Agent in MAS. In the Proceedings of the 18th European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2008), Tsukuba, Japan 2008, pp. 267-276.
  30. Zobrazit abstrakt
  31. Duží, M., Ciprich, N., Košinár, M. (2007): TIL-Script: Functional Programming Based on Transparent Intensional Logic. In sborníku z konference RASLAN 2007. Ed. Sojka, P., Horák, A., MUNI Brno, 37-42, ISBN 978-80-210-4471-5
  32. Zobrazit abstrakt
  33. Duží, M., Ciprich, N., Košinár, M. (2008): The TIL-Script Language. In sborníku konference EJC 2008. Ed. Yasushi Kiyoki, Takehiro Tokuda, Tsukuba Japan: Waki Print Pia, Kanagawa, Japan, vol. 18, 167-182.
  34. Zobrazit abstrakt
  35. Duží, M., Ďuráková, D., Děrgel, P., Gajdoš, P., Müller, J. (2006): Logic and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Systems. In Proc. of the 16th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC2006), ed. Y. Kiyoki, H. Kangassalo, M. Duží VSB-TU Ostrava, 2006, 308-313, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
  36. Zobrazit abstrakt
  37. Duží, M., Duráková, D., Děrgel, P., Gajdoš, P., Müller, J. (2007): Logic and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Systems. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII, M. Duží, Y. Kiyoki, H. Jaakkola, Kangassalo, (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 236-244.
  38. Zobrazit abstrakt
  39. Duží, M., Duráková, D., Menšík, M. (2005): Concepts are Structured meanings. In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVI, ed. by Yasushi Kiyoki, Benkt Wangler, Hannu Jaakkola, Hannu Kangassalo, Amsterdam: IOS Press 2005, pp. 258-276.
  40. Zobrazit abstrakt
  41. Duží, M., Heimburger Anneli (2006): Web Ontology Languages: Theory and practice, will they ever meet? In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, J. Hanno, H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, IOS Press Amsterdam, vol. XVII, 20-37.
  42. Zobrazit abstrakt
  43. Duží, M., Jespersen Bjorn, Müller, J. (2005): Epistemic Closure and Inferable Knowledge. In the Logica Yearbook 2004. Ed. Libor Běhounek, Marta Bílková, Praha: Filosofia, vol. 2004, 124-140, Filosofický ústav AV ČR, Praha, ISBN 80-7007-208-3
  44. Zobrazit abstrakt
  45. Duží, M., Jirků, P. (2004): Znalosti z pohledu logiky. Znalosti 2004, ed. V. Snášel, Brno 2004, pp. 85-113.
  46. Zobrazit abstrakt
  47. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2002): Intensional Logic as a Medium of Knowledge Representation and Acquisition in the HIT Conceptual Model. In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XIV. Ed. Hannu Kangassalo, Eiji Kawaguchi, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2003, Vol. 94, pp.51-65.
  48. Zobrazit abstrakt
  49. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2002): Reprezentace znalostí, analýza tázacích vět a specifikace dotazů nad konceptuálním schématem HIT. In: Datakon 2002, Masaryk University of Brno, pp.195-208.
  50. Zobrazit abstrakt
  51. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2003): Parmenides Principle (An analysis of aboutness). In: The Logica Yearbook 2002, FILOSOFIA, ed. by T.Childers, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, pp. 159-178.
  52. Zobrazit abstrakt
  53. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2004): Konceptuální modelování a ontologie z pohledu logiky. Zvaná přednáška: Datakon 2004, Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference. Masarykova universita v Brně, pp. 99-119.
  54. Zobrazit abstrakt
  55. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005): Synthetic concepts a priori. In: Jazyk - logika - věda, ed. by Prokop Sousedík, Filosofia Praha, 2005, pp. 181-204.
  56. Zobrazit abstrakt
  57. Duží, M., Materna, P. (2008): Concepts and Ontologies. In sborníku konference EJC 2008. Ed. Yasushi Kiyoki, Takehiro Tokuda, Tsukuba Japan: Waki Print Pia, Kanagawa, Japan, 2008, vol. 18, 45-64.
  58. Zobrazit abstrakt
  59. Duží, M., Niederle, R. (2005): Explikace pojmu krásy. In: Jazyk - logika - věda, ed. by Prokop Sousedík, Filosofia Praha, 2005, pp. 205-222.
  60. Zobrazit abstrakt
  61. Duží, M., Snášel, V. (2003): Teorie pojmu a inteligentní ontologie. In: Znalosti 2003, ed. by Tomas Skopal, pp. 222-231.
  62. Zobrazit abstrakt
  63. Duží, M., Vojtáš Peter (2008): Multi-Criterion Search from the Semantic Point of View. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Ed. Jaakkola Hannu, Kiyoki Yasushi, Tokuda Takahiro, Amsterdam: IOS Press, vol. XIX, pp. 21-39, ISBN 978-1-58603-812-0
  64. Zobrazit abstrakt
  65. Duží, M., Vojtáš, P. (2007): Multi-Criterion Search from the semantic Point of View. In: Proc. European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases. Ed. Hannu Jaakkola, Yasushi Kiyoki, Takahiro Tokuda, pp. 21-39. ISBN 978-952-15-1786-0
  66. Zobrazit abstrakt
  67. Fedorčák, D., Vondrák, I. (2007): FORCE-BASED VISUALIZATION FOR COMPETITIVE LEARNING METHODS. In sborník ESM 2007, Ghent: EUROSIS, 2007, 331-335, 978-90-77381-36-6
  68. Zobrazit abstrakt
  69. Fedorčák, D., Vondrák, I., Kožusznik, J. (2006): Spatial Extention in Business Process Enactment. In sborník ECEC/FUBUTEC 2006. Ed. Uwe Baake, Enver Yucesan, Ghent, Belgium. EUROSIS, 121-124. ISBN 90-77381-24-4
  70. Zobrazit abstrakt
  71. Frydrych, T., Kohut, O., Košinár, M. (2008): TIL in Knowledge-Based Multi-Agent Systems. In sborníku z konference RASLAN 2008. Ed. Sojka, P., Horák, A., Brno: MUNI, 1-10
  72. Zobrazit abstrakt
  73. Fuks P. (2006): Simulation environment based on Multi-agent systems. Ve sborníku mezinárodního sympozia GIS Ostrava 2006. Ostrava 2006
  74. Gajdoš P. (2006): FCA and Multi Agent Systems. In Wofex2006.
  75. Zobrazit abstrakt
  76. Gajdoš, P., Ďuráková, D. (2005): Object order based on concept analysis and Moebius Inversion Function.. In EJC 2005, Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, 2005, vol. 2005, 62-73, ISBN 9985-59-530-0
  77. Zobrazit abstrakt
  78. Gajdoš, P., Duráková, D. (2006): Object order based on concept analysis and Moebius Inversion Function. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, J. Hanno, H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, IOS Press Amsterdam, 38-49.
  79. Zobrazit abstrakt
  80. Gajdoš, P.; Děrgel, P. (2006): Triadic Formal Concept Analysis within Multi Agent Systems. Fourth International Conference On Concept Lattices and Their Applications.
  81. Zobrazit abstrakt
  82. Hliněný, P. (2005): Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width, extended abstract. In WG 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2005, No. 3787, 59-68
  83. Zobrazit abstrakt
  84. Hliněný, P. (2005): Matroidy v teoretické informatice. ITI MFF UK, 2005
  85. Zobrazit abstrakt
  86. Hliněný, P. (2006): MACEK - real structural computations with matroids. RISC Institute, 2006
  87. Zobrazit abstrakt
  88. Hliněný, P. (2006): The Tutte Polynomial for Matroids of Bounded Branch-Width. In Combin. Prob. Computing 15, 2006, vol. 03, čis. 15, 397-409
  89. Zobrazit abstrakt
  90. Hliněný, P., D. Hliněná, P. Vojtáš (2006): A note on multicriteria decision making. In International conference FSTA 2006, 1.
  91. Zobrazit abstrakt
  92. Horák J., Horáková B. (2007): Datové sklady a využití datové struktury typu hvězda pro prostorová data. In. GIS Ostrava 2007. p. 26.
  93. Horák J., Horáková B., Sedenková M. (2006): Evaluation of employers' transport accessibility. In proceedings of International Workshop in Spatial Econometrics and Statistics, 25, Rome, Italy. 19 s.
  94. Horák J., Růžička J., Horáková B. (2007): The Development Opportunities of WebCastle System. In. 1. národní kongres geoinformatiky v Česku. Mikulov, 29. 31. května 2007. ISBN:978-80-86633-79-4.
  95. Horáková B. (2004): Metainformation Infrastructure in the Czech Republic - the Conception and the Existing Situation, [CD-ROM] In. GIS Ostrava 2004, Ostrava, 2004, ISSN 1213-2454.
  96. Horáková B. (2005): Directive of the European Parlament and the Board for Development of Spatial Information Infrastructure in EU (INSPIRE). In. Geodetické siete a priestorové informácie. [CD-ROM]. 2005. 10 s.
  97. Horáková B. (2007): System of European Technical Standardization and Examination of GI standard Harmonization in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. In Geodetické siete a priestorové informácie. 29. 31.10.2007, Podbanské, Slovensko. P. 17. (v tisku).
  98. Horáková B., Kafka Š. (2002): MIDAS on-line catalogue of geodata of public administration. Global Spatial Data Infrastructure 6 Conference - From global to local. BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, September 16 19th 2002. 10 s.
  99. Horáková B., Kubíček P., Horák J. (2005): The Geoinformation Infrastructure in the Czech Republic. The Key Role of Metadata. In Proceedings of 11th EC GI & GIS WORKSHOP, ESDI: Setting the Framework, June 29 - July 1, 2005, Alghero, Sardinia. p. 13.
  100. Horáková B., Růžicka J. (2002): MIDAS - a tool for public administration transformation support [CD-ROM]. In. Proceedings from 8th EC-GI & GIS Workshop - ESDI, Dublin, Ireland, 2002.
  101. Horáková B., Růžička J., Ožana R. (2007): Development of MetaPortal Prototype and Communication Interface for Czech national environment. In.GIS Ostrava 2007. p. 23.
  102. Horáková B., Růžicka J., Stromský J. (2005): Prototyp Metaportálu - přístupový bod ke katalogovým službám národní geoinformační infrastruktury. In. Geoinformatika ve veřejné správě. Brno, 2005. CAGI. 8 s.
  103. Horáková, B., Horák, J., Šimek, M. (2002): Local-scale Labour Market Spatial Analysis. [CD-ROM] In Proceedings konference 23. Urban Data Management Symposium, Praha,1. 4.10.2002 , 2002, 13 s.
  104. Jarotek, V., Menšík, M. (2009): Interpretace formulí v PL1 do přirozeného jazyka. In DOSTÁLOVÁ, Ludmila - ŠEBELA, Karel (eds.): ORGANON VI: Odkud a jak brát stále nové příklady? Praha: Karolinum
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  107. Menšík, M., Číhalová, M. (2008): An outline of plan generation and plan-based decision making in Multi-Agent System, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2008. Ed. Václav Snášel, 978-80-248-1807-8
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  114. Radecký, M. (2006): Agents within the Multi-Agent System. In WOFEX 2006, Ostrava.
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  116. Radecký, M. (2006): Intelligent Selection of Realizations within the Agent Behavior. In sborník ECMS 2006, ISBN 0-9553018-1-5
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  118. Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2005): Reconfigurable Intelligent Agents. In sborník UKSim 2008/IEEE, Cambridge: EUROSIM, 2008, p. 543-548, IEEE, ISBN 0-7695-3114-8
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  120. Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2006): Process and Logic Approaches in the Intelligent Agents Behavior. In sborníku EJC 2006, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
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  122. Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2007): Process and Logic Approaches in the Intelligent Agents Behavior. In Information Modelling and Knowledge bases XVIII, Duží,M., Jaakkola,H., Kyioki,Y., Kangassalo,H. (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 295-300, ISBN 978-1-58603-710-9
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  124. Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2008): Intelligent Agents for Traffic Simulation. In sbornik SpringSim ADS2008, Ottawa: SCS, 2008, p. 109-115, ISBN 1-56555-319-5
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  126. Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2005): Formalization of Business Process Modeling. In ISIM 2005. Ed. Jaroslav Zendulka, Ostrava: MARQ, 2005, 235-242, ASU, CSSS, EUROSIM, SCS, ISBN 80-86840-09-3
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  128. Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2005): Modelování chování agentů v multiagentových systémech. In sborník - Informační technologie pro praxi, Ostrava, pp. 50-58, Česká společnost pro systémovou integraci, 80-248-0925-7
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  130. Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2006): Agents and Their Behavior's Reconfiguration. In ECEC 2006. Ed. Uwe Baake, Enver Yucesan, Ghent, Belgium: EUROSIS, 2006, pp. 113-120, EUROSIS, ISBN 90-77381-24-4
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  132. Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2006): Business Process Modeling based on UML Activity Diagrams. In ISIM 2006. Ed. Jaroslav Zendulka, Ostrava: MARQ, 77-84. ISBN 80-86840-19-0
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  134. Radecký, M., Vondrák, I., Štolfa, S. (2004): Byznys modelování a jeho možnosti využití v praxi. In sborník - Informační technologie pro praxi, Ostrava: Česká společnost pro systemovou integraci - Tanger s. r. o.
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  136. Radecký, M., Vondrák, I., Štolfa, S. (2004): Modelování byznys procesů v praxi. In sborník - Rozvoj podnikavosti, Ostrava: Vysoká škola podnikání, a.s., 80-86764-15-X
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  144. Vondrák, I. (2007): Business Process Modeling. In Information Modelling and Knowledge bases XVIII, Duží,M., Jaakkola,H., Kyioki,Y., Kangassalo,H. (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 223-235.
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  146. Vondrák, I., Fedorčák, D., Kožusznik, J. (2006): Business Processes. In GIS Ostrava 2006. Ed. Jan Růžička , Ostrava:VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2006, p. 20, ISSN 1213-2454

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