Duží Marie, Jespersen Bjorn and Materna Pavel.
First edition. Berlin: Springer, series Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, vol. 17, 2010, ISBN 978-90-481-8811-6, 550 pp.
Duží, M. (2006): 16th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Ostrava VSB-TUO, Ed. Y. Kiyoki, H. Kangassalo, M. Duží, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
Duží, M. (2007): Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVIII, Amsterdam: IOS Press, Duží, M., Jaakkola, H., Kiyoki, Y., Kangassalo, H. (eds.), ISBN 978-1-58603-710-9
Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005): Logical Form. Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics and Logic. Advanced Studies in Mathematics and Logic, 1, G. Sica (ed.). Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, Monza / Italy, 2005, pp. 115-153.
Horáková B., Pauknerová E.(2004): A Compendium of European SDI Best Practice. GINIE: Geographic Information Network in Europe. IST-2000-29493. January 2004. Section 5.2, 31 1 2004, EUROGI. 8 s.
Horák J., Šimek M., Horáková B. (2004): Examples of Geoinformation Technology Use in Labour Market Analyses. In The Czech Geography at the Dawn of the Millennium, str. 391-410, Česká geografická společnost Olomouc 2004. ISBN 80-244-0858-9.
- Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P. (2009): 'Pi' in the Sky. In Festschrift devoted to B.G. Sundholm. Ed. G. Primiero, S. Rahman, London:, College Publications Tribute Series, 149-164
- Duží, M., Jespersen, B. (2009): Procedural semantics for mathematical constants. In the Logica Yearbook 2008. Ed. Peliš, M., King's College London:College Publications, 57-70, ISBN 978-1-904987-46-8
We argue for a procedural semantics for mathematical constants, using 'Pi' as a hard test case. The semantics of 'Pi' consists in 'Pi' expressing as its sense a procedure producing the number Pi. What is semantically salient about 'Pi' is only what it means and not also what it denotes. In the final analysis, 'Pi' is shorthand for, and therefore synonymous with, a denite description expressing a denition of Pi and denoting the number so defined. But for each definition of Pi there is going to be a pair <'Pi', definition(Pi)>. We avoid homonymy by assigning each such pair to a particular conceptual system.
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- Duží, M., Ciprich Nikola, Košinár, M. (2009): TIL-Script Languge. In knize: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, X. Chen, N. Yoshida, Amsterdam :IOS Press , 166-179, ISBN 978-1-58603-957-8
Multi-agent system is a system of autonomous, intelligent but resource-bounded agents. Particular agents have to be able to make decisions on their own, based on the activities of the other agents and events within the system as well as its environment. Thus the agents have to communicate and collaborate with each other as well as with their environment. They communicate by exchanging messages encoded in a near-to-natural language. Traditional first-order languages are not expressive enough to meet the demands of MAS communication. Therefore we make use of the powerful system of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). The paper introduces the software variant of TIL, namely the TIL-Script functional programming language. We describe its syntax and semantic, as well as the way the TIL-Script facilities are integrated into the whole multi-agent system.
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- Duží, M., Materna P. (2009): Concepts and Ontologies. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX . Ed. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, X. Chen, N. Yoshida, Amsterdam :IOS Press , 45-64, ISBN 978-1-58603-957-8
We introduce a new theory of concepts conceived as structured abstract entities. The theory is based on the key notion of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL), known as TIL construction. The rich procedural semantics of TIL makes it possible to explicitly analyze all the semantically salient features of natural language expressions. We illustrate how to make use of TIL theory of concepts in distinguishing analytical and empirical concepts, and particular kinds of necessities. We also deal with a rigorous specification of requisite relations between intensions such as properties. Finally, ontology is characterised as a relatively stable part of the system that should play an integrating role. We show how to make use of TIL rich theory in specification of the content of ontologies in a multi-agent system.
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- Duží, M. (2009): Multi-Agent Knowledge Modelling. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX . Ed. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, X. Chen, N. Yoshida, Amsterdam :IOS Press , 411-428, ISBN 978-1-58603-957-8
This paper contains five contributions of the participants of the panel discussion on Multi-agent Knowledge Modellingg in the EJC 2008 conference. We addressed four main topics: (a) Semantic Web technologies, (b) reality vs. agents, (c) cross-cultural knowledge and (d) communication of agents. Each of the discussants presented his/her view of the addressed problem. Some views were rather pessimistic, other optimistic or realistic, but all of them posed questions and raised open problems as well as solution proposals. Thus this paper is a contribution to the topic of multi-agent knowledge modelling from different points of view.
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- Czichon, C. A., Vondrák, I., R. W. Peterson, E. G. Mettala (2005): Coordinating teams of autonomous vehicles: an architectural perspective. In Defense & Security, Bellingham, WA:SPIE, 1-12, ISBN 0-8194-5789-2
In robotics research for defense, past and current, a mission level integration gap exists between mission tasks (tactical) performed by ground, sea, or air applications and discrete behaviors enacted by processing, communications, sensors, and weaponry resources (platform specific). The gap spans ensemble (heterogeneous team) behaviors, automatic MOE/MOP tracking, and tactical task modeling/simulation for virtual and mixed teams comprised of robotic and human combatants. This document reviews robotic system architectures, compares approaches for navigating problem/state spaces by autonomous systems, describes an architecture for an integrated, repository-based modeling, simulation, and execution environment, and outlines a multi-tiered design for robotic behavior components that is agent-based, platform-independent, and extendable using plug-ins. Tools contained within the integrated environment and a distributed, agent framework for autonomous task execution are being developed by a SBIR project funded by the U.S. Army RDECOM.
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- Číhalová, M.: Podmínky racionality reflektované z pozice poznávajícího subjektu. In Filosofický časopis 6/2008, pp. 921-930.
- Číhalová, M., Ďuráková, D., Hrubá, L., Rapant, P. (2009): Ontological Background of Knowledge Representation. Submitted to Acta Montanistica (slovenský časopis), to appear.
- Duží, M. (2003): Do we have to deal with partiality? Miscellanea Logica, Vol. V, pp. 45-76.
We present a semantic theory based on the Transparent Intensional Logic, which takes into account the fact that some sentences of natural language may happen not to have any truth value. Using two-level semantics, where between an expression E and the denoted entity D there is the expressed meaning (perhaps Frege's sense or Church's concept) of the expression, we model the meaning of E by a TIL construction C. We show that the construction C can fail to construct anything, in other words, in natural language we sometimes use empty concepts; and the denotation D, being a function, can fail to return a value at an argument. Hence, presenting some sound objective philosophical arguments in favour of the need to handle partial functions, we look for adequate technical tools to accommodate them in our logic. Different perspectives of a logician, mathematician and computer scientist toward non-denoting expressions naturally lead to different strategies of handling partial functions by particular logical systems. A brief overview of the ways of handling non-denoting terms in quantification logic is presented, and the strategy of partiality being 'propagated up' accepted by TIL examined in details.
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- Duží, M. (2003): Notional attitudes (On wishing, seeking and finding). Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. X, No. 3, 237-260.
Our knowledge, beliefs, doubts, etc., concern primarily logical constructions of propositions. If we assume that iterating 'belief attitudes' is valid, i.e., that the agent is perfectly introspective, he knows what he knows, believes, etc., then the so-called propositional attitudes are actually hyperintensional attitudes, i.e., they are relations of an agent to the construction, concept (of a proposition) expressed by the embedded clause. Their implicit counterparts, relations of an agent to the proposition denoted by the embedded clause, are just idealised cases of an agent with unlimited inferential abilities. On the other hand, our wishes, intentions, seeking, (attempts at) finding, etc., concern (in empirical cases) particular intensions (offices, properties, propositions), and the so-called notional attitudes (to empirical notions) are (despite calling them notional) not hyperintensional. In the paper we formulate some criteria for notional attitudes and examine basic categories of them. In general, notional attitudes are relations-in-intension between an agent and an object to which the agent is intentionally related. Even relations of an agent to a proposition can be notional ones, in case there is no salient constructional counterpart, the attitude is not influenced by agent's inferential abilities. Another problem we meet is the ambiguity of sentences expressing notional attitudes. These statements can often be read both in the de dicto and in the de re way. Yet, a common feature that characterizes notional attitudes is using the construction of the intension (to which the agent is related) in the de dicto way. The respective intension is mentioned; referring on such a situation, the reporter may use any of the equivalent constructions (concepts) of the intension, but not just a co-referring notion of another intension. Still, unlike the cases of relations of an agent to an individual when the respective individual office serves just as a pointer to the individual, when referring on notional attitudes the use of the respective notion of the intension is indispensable, which might perhaps justify calling such attitudes notional, though they actually are intensional. We also show that a passive form of a sentence cannot be usually read in the de dicto way (unless an idiom is used). Thus a common belief at the equivalence of the active and passive form of a statement is generally not justified.
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- Duží, M. (2004): Intensional Logic and the Irreducible Contrast between de dicto and de re, ProFil (volume) 5, (number) 1, 2004, 1-34, ISSN 1212-9097
The paper deals with hot problems of current semantics that are interconnected with a fundamental question 'What is the meaning of a natural language expression'? Our explication of the meaning is based on the key notion of Tichy?s Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL), namely that of the logical construction, an entity structured from the 'algorithmic point of view' (procedure), the structure of which renders the logical mode of presentation of the ("flat") denotatum of an expression. Hence meaning is conceived as a concept represented by the expression, i.e. a construction in the canonical normal form. An adjustment of Materna?s theory of concepts is first proposed, so that our analysis of a non-homonymous expression might be unambiguous (on the assumption of a fixed conceptual system ? a common basis of our understanding each other). Synonymy, homonymy and equivalence of expressions are defined and a special case of the so-called hidden homonymy is examined. Using TIL, explicit intensionalisation enables us to precisely define the de dicto / de re distinction and prove two de re principles. Traditional hard nuts to crack, namely de dicto / de re attitudes and modalities are solved and we present logical reasons for not allowing beta-reduction in the de re cases. In other words, we prove that beta-conversion is not an equivalent transformation when working with partial functions. Logical independence of de dicto and / de re attitudes is illustrated, but a claim is proved that on an additional assumption the de dicto and the corresponding de re attitude are equivalent. Quine?s example of an ambiguity in belief attribution consisting in scope for the existential quantifier is analysed and we show that it actually does concern the de dicto / de re distinction, this time in the supposition of the existence predicate. Last but not least, we present a "hesitant plea for partiality", though many technical difficulties (e.g. non-valid de Morgan laws) connected with partial functions are illustrated. The task of the logician is to undertake a precise analysis in order that all and only the logical consequences of our statements can be derived, even at the cost of some "technical difficulties".
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- Duží, M. (2004): Jazyk a pojmy (aneb o čem a jak mluvíme). Organon F, Veda Bratislava, Použvanie, interpretácia a význam jazykových výrazů, 20-34.
- Duží, M. (2005): Kurt Gödel. Metamathematical results on formally undecidable propositions: Completeness vs. Incompleteness. Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XII, No. 4, 447-474.
The ten years 1929?1939 were the most productive period in Gödel?s intense life in mathematical logic, culminating in his greatest discoveries. It was the period of pursuit of avoiding paradoxes and inconsistencies in mathematics that had destroyed Frege?s effort to establish a formal proof system for mathematics at the end of the 19th Century. David Hilbert put forward a new proposal for the foundation of classical mathematics which has come to be known as Hilbert?s Program. Pursuing Hilbert?s program, Gödel started to work on the consistency problem for arithmetic and realized that the notion of provability can be formalized in arithmetic. He also saw that non-paradoxical arguments analogous to the well-known Liar paradox in ordinary language could be carried out by substituting the notion of provability for that of truth. Surprisingly, these efforts eventually led him to a most unexpected result: his proof of incompleteness of arithmetic effectively destroying the conclusions Hilbert had intuitively begun from when he originated his program.
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- Duží, M. (2006): Anafora a význam. Jazyk z pohladu sémantiky a filosofie vedy. Organon F (príloha), 99-136.
In the paper we deal with the problem of sentences containing anaphoric reference to a previously used expression. The problem is a well-known hard nut of linguistic analysis, because the antecedent of the anaphoric reference is often not determined unambiguously. For instance, the sentence ?The boy and his daddy saw a dragon, and the boy thinks that he is immortal.? is ambiguous. If the second clause stood alone, the anaphoric pronoun ?he? would refer to ?the boy?, but in this composed sentence it seems to refer to ?dragon? rather than ?the boy?. Thus it is often said that anaphora is a pragmatic problem rather than the problem of logical semantics. We agree that logical analysis cannot disambiguate the above sentence. Actually, logical analysis cannot and does not disambiguate any sentence, because it presupposes understanding and full linguistic competence. Yet our method of logical analysis can contribute to solving the problem of disambiguation in at least two points; (a) type-theoretical analysis or the specification of requisites often unambiguously determines which of the possible meanings of a homonymous expression is used in the sentence, and (b) if there are two or more possible readings of a sentence, the logical analysis should make all of them explicit. Thus when analysing a sentence which is ambiguous by having two different meanings, we simply propose two different constructions expressed by the sentence. This is often the case of the distinction between de dicto and de re reading. If the sentence is unambiguous, type-theoretical analysis determines unambiguously the antecedent of the anaphoric reference, and we propose a method of logically analysing such a sentence. The method consists in substituting an appropriate construction of the object to which anaphora refers for the anaphoric expression. In other words, we perform a semantic pre-processing of the embedded anaphoric clause based on the meaning of the respective antecedent. In this sense anaphora is a semantic problem. Using the method of semantic pre-processing, i.e., by applying the respective substitution, we analyse de dicto and de re variants of propositional and notional attitudes, so-called ?donkey sentences?, as well as counterfactuals.
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- Duží, M. (2006): Informativnost matematických či analyticky pravdivých tvrzení a paradox inference. Filosofický časopis, Vol. 54, č. 4, 501-522.
In 1934 Cohen & Nagel formulated the famous paradox of inference: "If in an inference the conclusion is not contained in the premise, it cannot be valid; and if the conclusion is not different from the premises, it is useless; but the conclusion cannot be contained in the premises and also possess novelty; hence inferences cannot be both valid and useful." (p. 173.) This paradox arises because of the tension between (a) the legitimacy (validity) of an inference, and (b) the utility of an inference. One can perhaps reformulate the question posed by the ?paradox?: How can logic function as a useful epistemological tool? We formulate two answers to the question posed by the paradox, namely a negative and a positive one, by distinguishing between empirical information on the state of the world and analytical content of a statement. First we analyze the way in which ?the conclusion is contained in the premises?. We recapitulate the notion of semantic (empirical) information and the way we may compare statements as for the semantic information they contribute to us. Further we define a logically valid argument and a logically valid statement by making use of a logical form literally corresponding to a statement. Analytical content of a statement S is defined as the respective construction expressed by S. By way of conclusion some criteria that make it possible to compare statements as for their analytical informativeness are formulated.
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- Duží, M. (2007: Properties on the Edge. In Svet jazyka a svet za jazykom, Marvan, T., Zouhar, M. (eds), Bratislava: Filosofický ústav SAV, pp. 42-68, ISBN 978-80-967225-9-4.
- Duží, M. (2008): R. Carnap, Význam a nevyhnutnost. In Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XV, No. 2, 261-273.
V řadě překladů pozoruhodných filosofických děl "Filosofia do vrecka" vyšel v roce 2005 také překlad stěžejního díla Rudolfa Carnapa z roku 1947, respektive jeho druhého vydání z roku 1956, Význam a nevyhnutnosť (v originále Meaning and necessity). Článek je rozborem tohoto díla a souhrnnou recenzí.
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- Duží, M. (2008): TIL as the Logic of Communication in a Multi-Agent System. In Research in Computing Science, vol. 33, 27-40.
The method of encoding communication of agents in a multi-agent system (MAS) is described. The autonomous agents communicate with each other by exchanging messages formulated in a near-to-natural language. Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is an expressive system primarily designed for the logical analysis of natural language; thus we make use of TIL as a tool for encoding the semantic content of messages. The hyper-intensional features of TIL analysis are described, in particular with respect to agents? attitudes and anaphoric references. We demonstrate the power of TIL to determine the antecedent of an anaphoric pronoun. By an example of a simple dialogue we illustrate the way TIL can function as a dynamic logic of discourse where anaphoric pronouns refer to entities of any type, even constructions, i.e. the structured meanings of other expressions.
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- Duží, M.: (2009): 'Topic-focus articulation from the semantic point of view'. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Springer-Verlag LNCS, 2009, vol. 5449, pp. 220-232.
- Duží, M., Horák, A., Pala, K., Materna, P. (2007): Verb Valency Semantic Representation for Deep Linguistic Processing. In ACL 2007. Ed. Timothy Baldwin, Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics, 97-104.
In the paper, we describe methods for exploitation of a new lexical database of valency frames (VerbaLex) in relation to Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). We present a detailed description of Complex Valency Frames (CVF) as they appear in VerbaLex including basic ontology of the VerbaLex semantic roles. TIL is a typed logical system developed for natural language semantic representation using TIL logical forms known as constructions. TIL is well suited to handle the difficult language phenomena such as temporal relations, intensionality and propositional attitudes. Here we make use of the long-term development of the Normal Translation Algorithm aimed at automatic translation of natural language sentences into TIL constructions. We examine the relations between CVFs and TIL constructions of predicate-argument structures and discuss the procedure of automatic acquisition of the verbal object constructions. The exploitation of CVFs in the syntactic parsing is also briefly mentioned.
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- Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P. (2006): Points of View from a Logical Perspective (I). In Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XIII, No. 3, 227-305.
In the paper we offer a logical explication of the frequently used, but rather vague, notion of point of view. We show that the concept of point of view prevents certain paradoxes from arising. A point of view is a means of partial characterisation of something. Thus nothing is a P and at the same time a non-P (simpliciter), because it is a P only relative to some point of view and a non-P from another point of view. But there is a major, complicating factor involved in applying a logical method that is supposed to provide a formal and rigorous counterpart of the intuitively understood notion: ?point of view? is a homonymous expression, and so there is not just one meaning that would explain points of view. Yet we propose a common scheme of the logical type of the entities denoted by the term ?point of view?. It is an empirical function: when applied to the viewed object in question, it results in a (set of) evaluating proposition(s) about the object. If there is an agent applying the criterion, the result is the agent?s attitude to the respective object. The paper is organised into two parts. In Part I we first adduce and analyse various examples of typical cases of applying a point of view to prevent paradox. These cases are examined according to the type of the viewed object: a) the viewed object is an individual and b) the viewed object is a property or an office. In Part II we then show that the method described in Part I can be applied also to the analyses of agents? attitudes. We thus explain how an agent can believe of something that it is a P and at the same time a non-P: the agent applies different viewpoint criteria to the viewed object. The inversion of perspective consisting in the perspective shifting from the believer on to the reporter in the case of attitudes de re, and from the reporter to the believer in the case of attitudes de dicto, is also analyzed. We show that there is no smooth logical traffic back and forth between such attitudes and prove that they are not equivalent. By way of conclusion, we explicate the notion of conceptual point of view and analyze cases of viewpoints given by conceptual distinction. We show, finally, that the proposed scheme of the type of point of view can be preserved, this time, however, in its extensional version.
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- Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P. (2007): Points of View from a Logical Perspective (II). Organon F, Philosophical Journal, vol. XIV, No. 1, 5-31.
In the paper we offer a logical explication of the frequently used, but rather vague, notion of point of view. We show that the concept of point of view prevents certain paradoxes from arising. A point of view is a means of partial characterisation of something. Thus nothing is a P and at the same time a non-P (simpliciter), because it is a P only relative to some point of view and a non-P from another point of view. But there is a major, complicating factor involved in applying a logical method that is supposed to provide a formal and rigorous counterpart of the intuitively understood notion: ?point of view? is a homonymous expression, and so there is not just one meaning that would explain points of view. Yet we propose a common scheme of the logical type of the entities denoted by the term ?point of view?. It is an empirical function: when applied to the viewed object in question, it results in a (set of) evaluating proposition(s) about the object. If there is an agent applying the criterion, the result is the agent?s attitude to the respective object. The paper is organised into two parts. In Part I we first adduce and analyse various examples of typical cases of applying a point of view to prevent paradox. These cases are examined according to the type of the viewed object: a) the viewed object is an individual and b) the viewed object is a property or an office. In Part II we then show that the method described in Part I can be applied also to the analyses of agents? attitudes. We thus explain how an agent can believe of something that it is a P and at the same time a non-P: the agent applies different viewpoint criteria to the viewed object. The inversion of perspective consisting in the perspective shifting from the believer on to the reporter in the case of attitudes de re, and from the reporter to the believer in the case of attitudes de dicto, is also analyzed. We show that there is no smooth logical traffic back and forth between such attitudes and prove that they are not equivalent. By way of conclusion, we explicate the notion of conceptual point of view and analyze cases of viewpoints given by conceptual distinction. We show, finally, that the proposed scheme of the type of point of view can be preserved, this time, however, in its extensional version.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2004): A Procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori. Korean Journal of Logic, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1-22.
The Kantian idea that some judgments are synthetic even in the area of a priori judgments cannot be accepted in its original version, but a modification of the notions 'analytic' and 'synthetic' discovers a rational core of that idea. The new definition of 'analytic' concerns concepts and makes it possible to distinguish between analytic concepts, which are effective ways of computing recursive functions, and synthetic concepts, which either define non-recursive functions, or define recursive functions in an ineffective way. To justify this claim we have to construe concepts as abstract procedures not reducible to set-theoretical entities.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005): Parmenides Principle. Philosophia, philosophical quaterly of Israel, May 2005, No. 32, 155-180.
Frege's dictum (from Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik, 1884) "Ueberhaupt ist es unmöglich, von einem Gegenstande zu sprechen, ohne ihn irgendwie zu bezeichnen oder zu benennen" called by Pavel Tichý 'Parmenides Principle', can be interpreted as a challenge concerning logical analysis of an expression. An ideal analysis should respect semantics of all and only subexpressions of the given expression. Based on this inspiration the following claim is proved: Let C be the set of all possible analyses of an expression E and let <= be a partial ordering on C: Ci <= Cj iff Cj is worse than or equal to Ci (the relation <= is precisely defined). Then the poset (C, <=) is a complete lattice. The greatest element 1 is the worst analysis of E, the least element 0 is the (best) analysis of E. A relativisation to conceptual systems is suggested and a particular example presented.
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- Hliněný, P. (2006): On matroid representability and minor problems. In MFCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, čis. 4126, 505-516
In this paper we look at complexity aspects of the following problem (matroid representability) which seems to play an important role in structural matroid theory: Given a rational matrix representing the matroid $M$, the question is whether $M$ can be represented also over another specific finite field. We prove this problem is hard, and so is the related problem of minor testing in rational matroids. The results hold even if we restrict to matroids of branch-width three.
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- Hliněný, P., Salazar Gelasio (2007): Approximating the Crossing Number of Toroidal Graphs. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.
CrossingNumber is one of the most challenging algorithmic problems in topological graph theory, with applications to graph drawing and VLSI layout. No polynomial time constant approximation algorithm is known for this NP-complete problem. We prove that a natural approach to planar drawing of toroidal graphs (used already by Pach and T'oth) gives a polynomial time constant approximation algorithm for the crossing number of toroidal graphs with bounded degree. In this proof we present a new ``grid'' theorem on toroidal graphs.
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- Hliněný, P., Salazar, Gelasio, Gitler, Isidoro, Leanos, Jesus (2007): The crossing number of a projective graph is quadratic in the face--width (Extended abstract). In Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, vol. C, čis. 29, 219-223, ISSN 1571-0653
We show that for each integer $ggeq0$ there is a constant $c>0$ such that every graph that embeds in the projective plane with sufficiently large face--width $r$ has crossing number at least $c.r^2$ in the orientable surface of genus $g$. As a corollary, we give a polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm for the crossing number of projective graphs with bounded degree.
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- Hjelmager, J, Moellering, H., Cooper, A., Delgado, T., Rajabifard, A., Rapant, P., Danko, D., Huet, M., Laurent, D., Aalders, H., Iwaniak, A., Abad, P., Düren, U., Martynenko, A.: An initial formal model for spatial data infrastructures. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 22, Issue 11 & 12 2008, pp. 1295 - 1309. (IF 1,822 v roce 2007). (15 %)
- Horáková B. (2003): Need for Legislation to Support Technological Solutions. MIDAS On-line Geodata Catalogue. GIM International, The Worlwide Magazin for Geomatics. July 2003, volume 17, 12-13, ISSN 1566-9076.
- Horáková B. (2004): Metainformační infrastruktura v ČR - koncepce a současný stav, GeoInfo, Computer Press, 1/2004, ISSN 1212-4311.
- Horáková B. (2006): Globalizace v technické normalizaci, Geoinformace 3/2006, Klaudian Praha, ISSN 1214-2204.
- Horáková B. (2006): Technical normalization in the geoinformatics branch, Acta Montanistica Slovaca. Ročník 11 (2006), číslo 3, 182-191, ISSN 1335-1788.
- Horáková B. (2007): Current principles and importance of technical harmonize in EU for technical standardization. GeoScience Engineering, volume LIII (2007), No.1, p. 36-52, ISSN 1802-5420, 2007.
- Jančar, P., Kučera Antonín (2006): Equivalence-checking on infinite-state systems: Techniques and results. In Journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, čis. 6, Vol. 2006, 227-264.
The paper presents a selection of recently developed and/or used techniques for equivalence-checking on infinite-state systems, and an up-to-date overview of existing results (as of September 2004).
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- Menšík, M., Miketa Tomáš (2006): E-learningová podpora výuky logiky (eLogika). In ORGANON V., s. 76-88
V tomto článku je rozebrán systém, spadající do kategorie e-learningu, eLogika. Jsou zde rozebrány pohnutky, které vedly k vývoji tohoto systému a poté samotný systém.
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- Růžicka J., Horáková B., Ožana R., Prager M. (2007): Spatial metadata infrastructure in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, ISSN 1725-0463, 2007. (v tisku).
- Číhalová M., Ciprich N., Duží M., Menšík M. (2008): TIL and Logic Programming. In RASLAN2008 proceedings, Brno, Masaryk University, pp. 17-31, ISBN 978-80-210-4741-9
The paper introduces a method of transition from TIL into Prolog system and vice versa, in order to utilize Prolog inference machine in the deductive system of TIL. We specify a subset of the set of TIL constructions the elements of which can be encoded in Prolog language, and introduce the method of translation from TIL into Prolog. Since Prolog is less expressive than TIL, we have to build up a TIL functional overlay that makes it possible to realize the reverse transition from Prolog into TIL in a near to equivalent way.
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- Číhalová, M. Ďuráková, D. Hrubá, L. Rapant, P. (2008): Building of Traffic Infrastructure Ontology for MAS. In PEŠKOVÁ, Kateřina (ed.).: Symposium GIS Ostrava 2008, VŠB-TU Ostrava.
- Číhalová, M., Menšík, M. (2009): Metodika hodnocení obtížnosti příkladů řešených v kalkulu přirozené dedukce a obecné rezoluční metody. In Dostálová, L., Šebela, K. (eds.): ORGANON VI: Odkud a jak brát stále nové příklady? Praha: Karolinum 2009
- Cooper, A. et al. (2007): An Initial Model For The Computation Viewpoint Of A Spatial Data Infrastructure. In: Proceedings of XXIII International Cartographic Conference 4-10 August Moscow 2007, Russia. (CD-ROM)
- Děrgel P., Fuks P. (2006): Intelligent traffic simulation based on Multi-Agent system. In sborník konference BNAIC 06. Namur 2006. ISSN 1568-7805
- Děrgel P., Fuks P. (2006): Simulation environment for situated Multi-agent systems. Poster, GICON 2006. Vídeň 2006
- Děrgel P., Stankovič J. (2008): Modelling and visualization of the traffic system with Multi-agent system and GIS. In proceedings: WORLDCOMP'08/MSV, Las Vegas, ISBN 1-60132-090-6 (Print 2), CSREA Press, LV, USA.
- Děrgel, P., Fuks, P. (2007): Traffic simulation using distributed cellular automata in the Multi-agent system, Acta Montanistica Slovaca 27 (2007), No 1, 48-52, ISSN 1335-1788
- Děrgel, P., Fuks, P., Hrubá, L. (2007): Multi-agent traffic simulation using GIS: Intelligent systems and agents 2007. In PALMA DOS REIS, António, BLASHKI, Katherine, XIAO, Yingcai. IADIS International conferences on computer science and information systéme, Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press, pp 273-276. ISBN 978-972-8924-39-3.
- Děrgel, P., Fuks, P., Hrubá, L. (2007): Traffic simulation environment for Multi-Agent systems based on GIS: Agent-based modelling. In DEMŠAR, Urška. GeoComputation 2007. Maynooth, Ireland: NCG.
- Děrgel, P., Fuks, P., Hrubá, L. (2008): GIS traffic micro-simulation with multi-agent system, The 7th International Conference on Asia GIS. Asia GIS 2008, Busan, Korea, 2008. ISSN 2005-2995
- Ďuráková, D., Číhalová, M., Hrubá L., Rapant P. (2009): Methodology of ontology building. To appear in PEŠKOVÁ, Kateřina (ed.).: Symposium GIS Ostrava 2009, Ostrava, VŠB-TU Ostrava.
- Ďuráková, D., Gajdoš, P. (2006): Object order based on concept analysis and Moebius Inversion Function. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, J. Hanno, H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10, ISBN 1-58603-591-6
Ordering objects of interest according to a given criterion often provides a useful piece of information to solve a problem of information processing. A new method of linear order based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Moebius function is described. The description method uses an example of selecting important key indicators in a specific geographical area. An indicator is defined as a characteristic number (weight) representing in a unique way certain important features of the area in question. The weights are assigned to each indicator in different categories. Using FCA, interdependencies among the indicators are analysed and the indicators are sorted according to their importance and uniqueness in the area description. A new method based on Conjugate Moebius Inversion Function (CMI) was used to evaluate the set of indicators selected as representatives for a pilot area. The output of the method is a sequence of objects / indicators ordered according to their calculated value of importance of every indicator. The method described in the article appears to be an important contribution to the evaluation of regional competitiveness in the 5th Framework Programme RTD project ?Iron Curtain?.
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- Duží, M. (2004): Concepts, Language and Ontologies (from the logical point of view). In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XV. Amsterdam: IOS Press 2004, pp. 193-209.
Traditional, intuitive conceptions of concepts and their shortcomings are summarised first. We pose five worrisome questions, answering which becomes extremely important when we want to build ontologies of particular domains of interest, to "conceptualise" them and to perform a terminological classification, which should be used for an intelligent search in the huge amount of data on web pages. Since traditional, set-theoretical concept theories do not answer these questions in a satisfactory way, we introduce a new non-traditional theory of concepts. A concept is explicated by the key notion of Transparent intensional logic ? logical construction, i.e. structured procedure. We show that between an expression (of any language) and the denoted object beyond the language (denotatum) there is just the meaning of the expression, i.e., the respective concept, which identifies (or fails to identify ? in case of empty concepts) the denotatum. Whereas the denotatum is a "flat" set-theoretical entity (intension in case of empirical expressions), the meaning (concept) is structured procedure consisting of parts ? constituents. This conception enables to adequately solve the problem of the so-called hyper-intensional contexts of knowledge, beliefs and hypotheses. Thus our theory not only provides a precise explication of intuitively used notions like concept, ontology, meaning, etc., but it also provides an essential extension of traditional theories including Kauppi?s axiomatic theory and Ganter-Wille conception.
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- Duží, M. (2006): Semantic Web Ontology and Natural Language. In GIS Ostrava 2006. Ed. Jan Růžička, Ostrava: VSB TUO, 20 pp, ISSN 1213-239X
The development of Semantic Web ontology languages in the last decade can be characterised as ?from mark-up languages to metadata?, i.e., a bottom up approach. The current ontology languages are first briefly described and characterised from the logical point of view. Generally, these languages are based on the first-order predicate logic (FOL) enriched with ad hoc higher-order constructs wherever needed. FOL is a mathematical logic, and its language is stenography for mathematics with nice mathematical properties. However, its expressive power is not rich enough to render the semantics of natural languages, in which web users need to communicate. We argue that in the Semantic Web a rich expressive language with transparent semantics is needed, in order to build up metadata in the conceptual level of the Semantic Web architecture, to formally analyse natural language and to conceptually analyse the content of the Web. A powerful logical tool of transparent intensional logic (TIL) is described, which provides a logical-semantic framework for a fine-grained knowledge representation and conceptual analysis of natural language. TIL is based on a rich ontology of entities organised in an infinite ramified hierarchy of types. The conceptual and terminological role of TIL in a multi-agent world is described, and we show that such a system can serve as a unifying logical framework both for natural language representation and for an adequate knowledge representation. Concluding we define the notion of inferable knowledge and show that the proposed logic accommodates philosophical desiderata that should be met in a multi-agent world of the Semantic Web.
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- Duží, M. (2007): Knowledge Representation and Communication in the Multi-Agent World, Kyoto Japan: NICT, 40 pp.
The use-mention distinction is traditionally understood as the distinction between using an expression (or phrase, etc.) and mentioning it. Making a statement mention itself is an interesting way of producing logical paradoxes. Violation of the use-mention distinction can produce sentences that sound and appear similar to the original, but have an entirely different meaning. However, a lot of misunderstanding and many paradoxes arise also from confusing different ways in which a meaningful expression can be used. Though there is a lot of dispute on using-mentioning expressions, surprisingly, little attention has been paid to the distinction between using and mentioning entities which are referred to when the expression is used. There are many examples of such paradoxes, see, e.g., Gamut (1991, pp. 203,204). To adduce one, consider the following (obviously invalid) argument: The temperature in Amsterdam equals the temperature in Prague. The temperature in Amsterdam is increasing. Hence: The temperature in Prague is increasing. To explain the problem informally, we have to realize that there is an essential difference between the way of using ?temperature? in the first and second premise. Whereas in the first premise the (empirical) function T denoted by ?temperature? is used as a pointer to its current actual value, the second premise talks about the whole function T ascribing to it the property of being increasing. Hence in the second premise the function T itself is not used but mentioned. Here is another example: Charles calculates 2 + 5. 2 + 5 = 7 Hence Charles calculates 7. Again, there is a substantial difference between using the term ?2+5? in the first and second premise. But now, unlike the first example, the distinction does not consist in talking about a function by ascribing a property to it and using a function as a pointer to its value. The first assumption expresses Charles? relation(-in-intension) to the very procedure of calculating 2+5; Charles is simply trying to execute the procedure, and the procedure (meaning of the expression ?2+5?) is mentioned. On the other hand, in the second premise this procedure is used to point at the number 7. In the paper we exploit Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL, see Tichý 1988, 2004) to formulate these intuitions more precisely. We conceive meanings of natural language expressions (including mathematical expressions) as abstract procedures, known as TIL constructions. Constructions are structured from the algorithmic point of view. They are procedures, or instructions, specifying how to arrive at less-structured entities. Since constructions are abstract, extra-linguistic entities, they are reachable only via a verbal definition. The ?language of constructions?, in which constructions are encoded, is a modified version of the typed ?-calculus, where Montague-like ?-terms denote, not the functions constructed, but the constructions themselves. Constructions qua procedures operate on input objects (of any type, even higher-order constructions) and yield as output objects of any type. It is of critical importance to distinguish between using constructions as constituents of compound constructions and mentioning constructions that enter as input into compound constructions. The latter is, in principle, achieved by using atomic constructions. A construction is atomic if it is a procedure that does not contain as a (used) constituent any other construction but itself. There are two atomic constructions that supply objects (of any type) on which complex constructions operate: variables and trivialisations. Variables are constructions that construct an object dependently on a valuation v; they v-construct. Variables can range over any type. If c is a variable ranging over constructions of order 1 (type *1), then c belongs to *2, the type of order 3, and constructs a construction of order 1 belonging to *1: the type of order 2. When X is an object of any type, the trivialisation of X, denoted ?0X?, constructs X without the mediation of any other construction. 0X is the primitive, non-perspectival mode of presentation of X. There are two compound constructions: composition and lambda-closure. Composition is the procedure of applying a (partial) function f to an argument A; i.e., the instruction to apply f to A to obtain the value (if any) of f at A. lambda-closure is the procedure of constructing a function by abstracting over variables; i.e., the instruction to execute such an abstraction in order to obtain a function. Finally, higher-order constructions can be used twice over as constituents of compound constructions. This is achieved by means of a fifth construction called double execution. TIL constructions, as well as the entities they construct, all receive a type. The definitions proceed inductively. First, we define simple types of order 1, second, constructions operating on (members of) types, and finally the whole ontology of entities organised into a ramified hierarchy of types. The formal ontology of TIL is bi-dimensional. One dimension is made up of constructions. The other dimension encompasses non-constructions, i.e., partial functions mapping (Cartesian product of) types to types. The framework of this ontology is a ramified hierarchy of types. It enables us to logically handle structured meanings as higher-order, hyperintensional abstract objects, thereby avoiding inconsistency problems stemming from the need to mention these objects within the theory itself. Any higher-order object can be safely, not only used, but also mentioned within the theory. The rich ontology of TIL makes it possible to distinguish between two basic ways of using an expression E in a reasonable sentence S: let CE be the meaning of E and CS the meaning of S. Then A. The meaning CE of E is mentioned by S iff CE itself is constructed within the CS (i.e., constructed by a constituent of CS). B. The meaning CE of E is used by S to identify an object O (if any) iff CE itself is just a constituent of CS that is not constructed by any other constituent of CS. Another feature of the TIL language of constructions is its transparency : all the semantically salient features are explicitly present in terms encoding constructions. In particular, explicit intensionalisation and temporalisation, which is achieved by using variables (w, w1,?, t, t1, ?) ranging over possible worlds and time points respectively, enable us to further distinguish two ways in which the meaning CE of E can be used: B1. The meaning CE of E is used by S with the de dicto supposition (i.e., the respective function denoted by E is just mentioned) B2. The meaning CE of E is used by S with the de re supposition (i.e., the respective function denoted by E is used as a pointer to its value) We define a hyperintensional, intensional and extensional context of a sentence S as follows: Let a construction CE be the meaning of E. Then ? If CE is mentioned by S, we say that CE and all its sub-constructions occur in S in the hyperintensional context. ? If CE is used by S with the de dicto supposition, we say that CE and all its sub-constructions occur in S in the intensional context. ? If CE is used in S with the de re supposition, we say that CE and all its sub-constructions occur in S in the extensional context. Finally, valid substitution rules are specified so that a derivation of an invalid conclusion leading to the above-mentioned paradoxes is blocked. Roughly, a ?homogeneous substitution?, i.e., substitution of an extension to an extensional context, intension to an intensional context, or hyperintension (construction) to a hyperintensional context is not a problem. However, due to partiality, when substituting an extension / intension to a higher-order (hyper-) intensional context, we must not carelessly draw a construction C of a lower-order entity into a higher-order context. Instead, we have to execute C first, and only if C does not fail then we substitute a trivialisation (i.e., the primitive concept) of the entity (if any) constructed by C within the lower-order context. These rules are crucial when analysing propositional / notional de re attitudes, and sentences with an anaphoric reference. By way of conclusion we adduce examples of attitude and anaphoric sentences that are analysed in the TIL anti-contextualistic way: the meaning of an anaphoric clause is an open construction independently of a context. However, when the clause is used in a linguistic context, referring to its antecedent, the whole sentence has a completed meaning. The completion is achieved by a valid substitution based on the meaning of antecedent. References: Gamut, L.T.F. (1991): Logic, Language and meaning. Vol. 2: Intensional Logic and Logical Grammar. The University of Chicago Press. Tichý, P. (1988): The Foundations of Frege?s Logic. de Gruyter. Tichý, P. (2004): Pavel Tichý?s Collected Papers in Logic and Philosophy. V. Svoboda, B. Jespersen, C. Cheyne (eds.), Filosofia Prague and University of Otago Press.
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- Duží, M. (2007): Semantic pre-processing of anaphoric references. In sborníku z konference RASLAN 2007. Ed. Sojka, P., Horák, A., Brno, pp. 43-56, ISBN 978-80-210-4471-5.
In the paper we describe the method of encoding communication of agents in a multi-agent system. The autonomous agents communicate with each other by exchanging messages formulated in a near-to-natural language. Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is an expressive system primarily designed for the logical analysis of natural language; thus we make use of TIL as a tool for encoding the semantic content of messages. The hyper-intensional features of TIL analysis are described, in particular with respect to agents' attitudes and anaphoric references. By an example we illustrate the way TIL can function as a dynamic logic of discourse where anaphoric pronouns refer to entities of any type, even constructions, i.e. the structured meanings of other expressions.
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- Duží, M. (2007): The Use-Mention Distinction. In The Logica Yearbook 2006. Ed. O. Tomala, R. Honzík, Prague: Filosofia, pp. 33-50, ISBN 978-80-7007-254-7.
In the paper we examine the use-mention distinction not on the linguistic level, but on the objectual level of entities denoted by linguistic terms. We show that an expression can be used in two different ways. Either its meaning is used to point to a denoted entity (if any), or mentioned by the meaning of another expression. And if the former, then the meaning can be used again in two different ways, namely with the de dicto or de re supposition.
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- Duží, M. (2008): Semantic Information and the Paradox of Inference. In Jednotliviny, všeobecniny, významy. Ed. Marián Zouhar, Bratislava: Slovenská akademie vied, 34-59, ISBN 978-80-969770-1-7.
In 1934 Cohen and Nagel put forward the well-known paradox of inference. The paradox is closely related to the problem of the informational yield of analytically and/or logically true sentences. The classical theory of semantic information (ESI), as formulated by Bar-Hillel and Carnap in 1952, does not give a satisfactory account of the problem of what information, if any, analytically and/or logically true sentences have to offer. According to ESI, the conclusion of a valid argument is contained in the premises, and thus does not convey any novel information, and analytically/logically true sentences lack informational content. In 1970 Hintikka dubbed the failure of ESI to give an account of the informational yield of deductive inferences ?the scandal of deduction?. He made an attempt to obtain a measure of the informational yield by distinguishing between depth information and surface information. However, recently Sequoiah-Grayson has shown that Hintikka?s attempt fails. In this paper we propose a solution based on a distinction between empirical information and analytical information. Declarative (empirical, analytical or mathematical) sentences are informative due to their meanings; their content is analytical. We construe structured meanings as what Transparent Intensional Logic calls constructions. These are procedures consisting of particular constituents that are to be executed in order to arrive at the output denoted by the expression whose meaning is a construction. The claim we argue for is that constructions are the vehicles of information. Since constructions are procedures, by executing the particular constituent steps we learn something, namely about a particular way leading to the product delivered by a procedure. Hence, though analytically true sentence provide no empirical information, they convey analytical information, namely about the constructions prescribing how to arrive at the truths. In this paper we propose criteria for comparing the yield of analytic information of true analytical sentences and of equivalent sentences involving empirical expressions; the most promising of these is the criterion based on the notion of refined meaning that we rigorously define. Finally, the paradox of inference is solved along the same lines. Consequently, criteria which may serve for comparing the utility of deductive inferences are proposed.
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- Duží, M. (2008): Transparent Intensional Logic as a partial, hyperintensional lambda calculus. World Congress LMPS Beijing, China, 196-197.
- Duží, M., Ciprich, N., Frydrych, T., Kohut, O., Košinár, M.. (2008): The Architecture of an Intelligent Agent in MAS. In the Proceedings of the 18th European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2008), Tsukuba, Japan 2008, pp. 267-276.
In the paper we propose a Brain Architecture which allows developers of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) to integrate various supporting tools. For the purpose of agents? communication and reasoning we make use of Transparent Intesional logic (TIL), or more exactly of its software variant the TIL-Script language. The proposed architecture makes it possible to utilise also the Prolog language as a reasoning tool. Rules and facts are stored in agent?s internal knowledge base is designed in a way appropriate both for Prolog and TIL-Script languages. The architecture is an open one so that other tools of reasoning can be easily incorporated.
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- Duží, M., Ciprich, N., Košinár, M. (2007): TIL-Script: Functional Programming Based on Transparent Intensional Logic. In sborníku z konference RASLAN 2007. Ed. Sojka, P., Horák, A., MUNI Brno, 37-42, ISBN 978-80-210-4471-5
In the paper we introduce an interpreter of the Transperent Intensional Logic (TIL), namely the TIL-Script language, its design and implementation. TIL is a brainchild of the Czech logician Pavel Tich´y and in many ways a revolutionary logical system. The work on the TIL-Script project is being pursued by the team of undergraduate students. The paper we provide is a brief review of the TIL-Script syntax.
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- Duží, M., Ciprich, N., Košinár, M. (2008): The TIL-Script Language. In sborníku konference EJC 2008. Ed. Yasushi Kiyoki, Takehiro Tokuda, Tsukuba Japan: Waki Print Pia, Kanagawa, Japan, vol. 18, 167-182.
Multi-agent system is a system of autonomous, intelligent but resource-bounded agents. Particular agents have to be able to make decisions on their own, based on the activities of the other agents and events within the system as well as its environment. Thus the agents have to communicate and collaborate with each other as well as with their environment. They communicate by exchanging messages encoded in a near-to-natural language. Traditional first-order languages are not expressive enough to meet the demands of MAS communication. Therefore we make use of the powerful system of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). The paper introduces the software variant of TIL, namely the TIL-Script functional programming language. We describe its syntax and semantic, as well as the way the TIL-Script facilities are integrated into the whole multi-agent system.
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- Duží, M., Ďuráková, D., Děrgel, P., Gajdoš, P., Müller, J. (2006): Logic and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Systems. In Proc. of the 16th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC2006), ed. Y. Kiyoki, H. Kangassalo, M. Duží VSB-TU Ostrava, 2006, 308-313, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
The project Logic and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Systems is briefly described and its structure is specified. First we introduce the underlying logical framework - the Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). Then we provide a description of particular problem areas, viz. knowledge representation including geographical data, languages apt for agents communication, and process management. Finally, future research and trends are specified.
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- Duží, M., Duráková, D., Děrgel, P., Gajdoš, P., Müller, J. (2007): Logic and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Systems. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII, M. Duží, Y. Kiyoki, H. Jaakkola, Kangassalo, (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 236-244.
The project Logic and Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Systems is briefly described and its structure is specified. First we introduce the underlying logical framework - the Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). Then we provide a description of particular problem areas, viz. knowledge representation including geographical data, languages apt for agents communication, and process management. Finally, future research and trends are specified.
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- Duží, M., Duráková, D., Menšík, M. (2005): Concepts are Structured meanings. In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVI, ed. by Yasushi Kiyoki, Benkt Wangler, Hannu Jaakkola, Hannu Kangassalo, Amsterdam: IOS Press 2005, pp. 258-276.
Theoretical results presented in previous papers are illustrated by practical application of building up an intelligent AI-like system. We provide a case study on business personal management implemented in Prolog, which makes use both of mathematical results of the classical set-theoretical Formal Concept Analysis, and of the hyper-intensional approach of non-traditional procedural Theory of Concepts. Due to the rich ontology of Transparent Intensional Logic the well-known paradox of logical / mathematical omniscience common to epistemic logics with intensional semantics is avoided. Explicit knowledge is represented by TIL logical constructions structured from the algorithmic point of view, and the inference machine implemented in the Prolog programming language makes it possible to perform deductive reasoning on structured knowledge base, deriving thus implicit knowledge from the explicit one.
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- Duží, M., Heimburger Anneli (2006): Web Ontology Languages: Theory and practice, will they ever meet? In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, J. Hanno, H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, IOS Press Amsterdam, vol. XVII, 20-37.
The current state of Semantic Web ontology languages is briefly described, and the ontology languages are characterised from the logical point of view. Generally, these languages are based on the first-order predicate logic enriched with ad hoc higher-order constructs wherever needed. We argue that in the Semantic Web we need a rich language with transparent semantics, in order to build up metadata on the conceptual level of the Semantic Web architecture. A powerful logical tool of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is described, which provides a logico-semantic framework for a fine-grained knowledge representation and conceptual analysis. TIL is based on a rich ontology of entities organised in an infinite ramified hierarchy of types. The conceptual role of TIL in building ontologies is described, and we show that such a system can serve as a unifying logical framework. Concluding we argue that the conceptual and logical level of the Web architecture have an important role, and we should pay a due attention to these levels.
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- Duží, M., Jespersen Bjorn, Müller, J. (2005): Epistemic Closure and Inferable Knowledge. In the Logica Yearbook 2004. Ed. Libor Běhounek, Marta Bílková, Praha: Filosofia, vol. 2004, 124-140, Filosofický ústav AV ČR, Praha, ISBN 80-7007-208-3
This paper argues that the epistemic closure principle "a knows that ?, a knows that ? implies ?; therefore, a knows that ?" is valid only if restricted to inferable knowledge. The stock of inferable knowledge of a particular agent a is the stock of knowledge that a is able to infer from a given stock of a?s explicit knowledge by means of one or more rules of inference that a is able to use. The underlying framework of knowledge representation is provided by Pavel Tichý?s Transparent Intensional Logic. Knowing is represented as a relation-in-intension between an agent and a construction (a structured abstract object that is a hyperintensionally individuated mode of presentation of a possible-world semantic proposition) rather than a set of possible worlds or a piece of syntax. This paper motivates the above restriction, presents the theoretical framework, and explains the technicalities of the so restricted closure principle.
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- Duží, M., Jirků, P. (2004): Znalosti z pohledu logiky. Znalosti 2004, ed. V. Snášel, Brno 2004, pp. 85-113.
V úvodu tutoriálu charakterizujeme pojem znalosti z hlediska filosofického a logického. Podáme tedy různé definice možných pojetí znalostí, z nichž nejčastější je znalost jako oprávněné pravdivé přesvědčení. Dále shrneme jednotlivé axiomatické teorie z hlediska jejich sémantiky a z hlediska representace znalostí, a to extenzionální přístup predikátové logiky 1. řádu, intencionální přístup (Kripkeho sémantika) a hyperintensionální přístup (sémantika transparentní intencionální logiky). V závěru se budeme věnovat tomu, do jaké míry jsou jednotlivé logické teorie realizovány dostupnými jazyky umělé inteligence. Přitom se budeme věnovat jak problému representace explicitních znalostí, tak problému dotazování a inference, tj. získávání implicitních znalostí z báze znalostí. Seznámíme posluchače zejména s možnostmi logického programování a s funkcionálními jazyky.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2002): Intensional Logic as a Medium of Knowledge Representation and Acquisition in the HIT Conceptual Model. In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XIV. Ed. Hannu Kangassalo, Eiji Kawaguchi, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2003, Vol. 94, pp.51-65.
We present a powerful logical tool for the analysis of natural language expressions, namely Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). Using TIL enables us to specify a knowledge base as well as the inference machine of an Information System on a high conceptual level of abstraction. After a brief introducing of TIL philosophy, principles and particular definitions, we present a general method of the analysis of interrogative sentences. It is shown that a particular interrogative sentence corresponds to some non-interrogative counterpart, and the two share a common semantic core that is (in case of empirical questions) an intension (a function from possible worlds and time points ?). To find the semantic core, we first determine the type of an answer that is the value of the denoted intension in a possible world at a time point. The whole method is applied to the HIT conceptual schema, which makes it possible to develop a natural-language based query language over a conceptual schema that is completely free of any implementation details.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2002): Reprezentace znalostí, analýza tázacích vět a specifikace dotazů nad konceptuálním schématem HIT. In: Datakon 2002, Masaryk University of Brno, pp.195-208.
V článku jsou navrženy principy reprezentace a získávání znalostí, tedy především principy logické analýzy tázacích vět, a to na základě silného logického nástroje Transparentní intenzionální logiky (TIL). Použití TILu nám umožňuje specifikovat bázi znalostí a inferenční stroj informačního / znalostního systému na vysoké konceptuální úrovni abstrakce. Po stručném shrnutí filosofie a nejdůležitějších definic TILu ukážeme, že každé tázací větě odpovídá nějaký deklarativní protějšek se stejným sémantickým jádrem, což je vždy intenze (funkce z možných světů ?). Abychom určili toto sémantické jádro, analyzujeme nejprve typ možné odpovědi (hodnoty označené intenze v aktuálním světě a čase). Celá metoda je pak aplikována na konceptuální schéma HIT, což nám umožňuje vyvinout specifikační a dotazovací jazyk (důsledně založený na přirozeném jazyce) nad konceptuálním schématem, který je zcela oproštěn od jakýchkoli implementačních záležitostí.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2003): Parmenides Principle (An analysis of aboutness). In: The Logica Yearbook 2002, FILOSOFIA, ed. by T.Childers, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, pp. 159-178.
Frege's dictum Ueberhaupt ist es unmöglich, von einem Gegenstande zu sprechen, ohne ihn irgendwie zu nezeichnen oder zu benennen. (from Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik, 1884), called by Tichý "Parmenides Principle", can be interpreted as a challenge concerning logical analysis of an expression. An ideal analysis should respect semantics of all and only subexpressions of the given expression. Based on this inspiration the authors prove the following claim: Let C be the set of all possible analyses of an expression E and let <= be a partial ordering on C: Ci <= Cj iff Cj is worse than or equal to Ci. Then the poset (C, <=) is a complete lattice. The greatest element 1 is the worst analysis of E, the least element 0 is the (best) analysis of E. A relativisation to conceptual systems is suggested and a particular example presented.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2004): Konceptuální modelování a ontologie z pohledu logiky. Zvaná přednáška: Datakon 2004, Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference. Masarykova universita v Brně, pp. 99-119.
V příspěvku logicky explikujeme pojmy koncept a ontologie. Vyložme netradiční teorii pojmu z hlediska Transparentní intenzionální logiky. Tato teorie je založena na procedurální sémantice algoritmicky strukturovaných významů. Dále uvedeme koncepci ontologie přirozeného jazyka, tedy "o čem mluvíme" a pomocí jakých pojmů ("jak") uchopujeme jednotlivé entity. Význam výrazů přirozeného jazyka explikujeme pomocí klíčového pojmu transparentní intenzionální logiky ? konstrukce a definujeme význam výrazu jako konstrukci, která je nejjemnější analýzou daného výrazu relativně ke konceptuálnímu systému uživatele. Pojem pak definujeme jako uzavřenou konstrukci v kanonickém tvaru. Na závěr provedeme stručný rozbor existujících nástrojů použvaných pro reprezentaci znalostí v sémantickém webu z pohledu logiky.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005): Synthetic concepts a priori. In: Jazyk - logika - věda, ed. by Prokop Sousedík, Filosofia Praha, 2005, pp. 181-204.
The Kantian idea that some judgments are synthetic even in the area of a priori judgments cannot be accepted in its original version, but a modification of the notions ?analytic? and ?synthetic? discovers a rational core of that idea. The new definition of ?analytic? concerns concepts and makes it possible to distinguish between analytic concepts, which are effective ways of computing recursive functions, and synthetic concepts, which either identify non-recursive functions, or identify recursive functions in an ineffective way. To justify this claim we have to construe concepts as abstract procedures not reducible to set-theoretical entities.
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- Duží, M., Materna, P. (2008): Concepts and Ontologies. In sborníku konference EJC 2008. Ed. Yasushi Kiyoki, Takehiro Tokuda, Tsukuba Japan: Waki Print Pia, Kanagawa, Japan, 2008, vol. 18, 45-64.
We introduce a new theory of concepts conceived as structured abstract entities. The theory is based on the key notion of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL), known as TIL construction. The rich procedural semantics of TIL makes it possible to explicitly state all the semantically salient features of natural language expressions. We illustrate how to make use of TIL theory of concepts in distinguishing analytical and empirical concepts, particular kinds of necessities, and for rigorous specification of requisite relations between intensions. Finally, ontology is characterised as a stable part of the system that should play an integrating role. We show how to make use of this rich theory in specification of the content of ontologies in a multi-agent system.
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- Duží, M., Niederle, R. (2005): Explikace pojmu krásy. In: Jazyk - logika - věda, ed. by Prokop Sousedík, Filosofia Praha, 2005, pp. 205-222.
Neexistuje jednoznačná shoda na definici pojmu krása. Na základě popisu standardního použvání termínu krása je navržena explikace tohoto pojmu s využitím metod transparentní intensionální logiky.
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- Duží, M., Snášel, V. (2003): Teorie pojmu a inteligentní ontologie. In: Znalosti 2003, ed. by Tomas Skopal, pp. 222-231.
V článku nejprve vyložme moderní teorii pojmu, jakožto významu výrazu přirozeného jazyka. Ukážeme, že jelikož tradiční denotační sémantiky nejsou dostatečně jemné, je nutno pojem explikovat ?procedurálně? jako strukturovanou cestu k výrazem označenému objektu, tedy způsob, jakým jsou vzájemně komponovány jednotlivé objekty, o kterých výraz mluví, do výsledného denotátu. Základním logickým konstruktem se tak stává konstrukce, která je přesně logicky uchopitelná v jazyce typovaného lambda kalkulu. Tímto způsobem je pak nejen přesně explikováno ?co je to pojem?, ale vágní tvrzení jako ?pojmy se vyvíjejí?, ?vznikají nové pojmy?, ?co vyplývá z pojmu? jsou opravena, upřesněna a logicky zachycena. Výsledkem je to, že tradiční množinová teorie pojmu se stává (pomineme-li nezanedbatelný fakt, že vlastní pojem pojmu nijak neexplikuje) pouze speciálním případem obecné teorie pojmu. Proto může být teorie konceptuálních svazů v této obecné teorii využita, a to zejména s vazbou na přirozený jazyk, jako nástroj pro vymezení ?rozumných? podoblastí vhodných ke ?konceptualizaci? ? tvorbě dílčích ontologií. Na závěr ukážeme, jak může být tato teorie využita ve spojení se statistickými a pravděpodobnostními metodami jako vhodný ?prázdný? nástroj pro inteligentní vyhledávání v rozsáhlých kolekcích dokumentů na webu.
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- Duží, M., Vojtáš Peter (2008): Multi-Criterion Search from the Semantic Point of View. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Ed. Jaakkola Hannu, Kiyoki Yasushi, Tokuda Takahiro, Amsterdam: IOS Press, vol. XIX, pp. 21-39, ISBN 978-1-58603-812-0
In this paper we discuss two formal models apt for a search and communication in a ?multi-agent world?, namely TIL and EL@. Specifying their intersection, we are able to translate and switch between them. Using their union, we extend their functionalities. The main asset of using TIL is a fine-grained rigorous analysis and specification close to natural language. The additional contribution of EL@ consists in modelling multi-criterion aspects of user preferences. Using a simple example throughout the paper, we illustrate the aspects of a multi-criterion search and communication by their analysis and specification in both the systems. The paper is an introductory study aiming at a universal logical approach to the ?multi-agent world?, which at the same time opens new research problems and trends.
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- Duží, M., Vojtáš, P. (2007): Multi-Criterion Search from the semantic Point of View. In: Proc. European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases. Ed. Hannu Jaakkola, Yasushi Kiyoki, Takahiro Tokuda, pp. 21-39. ISBN 978-952-15-1786-0
In this paper we discuss two formal models apt for a search and communication in a ?multi-agent world?, namely TIL and EL@. Specifying their intersection, we are able to translate and switch between them. Using their union, we extend their functionalities. The main asset of using TIL is a fine-grained rigorous analysis and specification close to natural language. The additional contribution of EL@ consists in modelling multi-criterion aspects of user preferences. Using a simple example throughout the paper, we illustrate the aspects of a multi-criterion search and communication by their analysis and specification in both the systems. The paper is an introductory study aiming at a universal logical approach to the ?multi-agent world?, which at the same time opens new research problems and trends.
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- Fedorčák, D., Vondrák, I. (2007): FORCE-BASED VISUALIZATION FOR COMPETITIVE LEARNING METHODS. In sborník ESM 2007, Ghent: EUROSIS, 2007, 331-335, 978-90-77381-36-6
Competitive Learning methods such as Hard Competitive Learning or Neural Gas are commonly used for distributing certain number of reference vectors (neurons) in the input space. This distribution is utilized for vector quantization or feature mapping. Another common goal of those methods is clustering or classification. Well arranged visualization may be essential because in many cases human interpretation of resulting structures is needed. High-dimensional input space can be general issue when the suitable visualization is developed. Force-based graph drawing methods may be possible solution of this issue.
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- Fedorčák, D., Vondrák, I., Kožusznik, J. (2006): Spatial Extention in Business Process Enactment. In sborník ECEC/FUBUTEC 2006. Ed. Uwe Baake, Enver Yucesan, Ghent, Belgium. EUROSIS, 121-124. ISBN 90-77381-24-4
Approach to workflow should be used to coordinate external autonomous agents as they perform various tasks; a task formalism incorporating graphical (but mathematically rig-orous) process models is being used. BPM (based on Colored Petri Nets) provides the meth-odology for business process modeling, simulation and enactment. Problem is how to describe where are agents expected before and after execution of specific task in virtual space. This problem is solved by our approach of spatial view based on CPN spatial extension.
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- Frydrych, T., Kohut, O., Košinár, M. (2008): TIL in Knowledge-Based Multi-Agent Systems. In sborníku z konference RASLAN 2008. Ed. Sojka, P., Horák, A., Brno: MUNI, 1-10
Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) is a highly expressive logic system. Its potential applications in artificial intelligence and multiagent systems are broad. We introduce the TIL-Script language, which is a computational variant of the language of TIL constructions. TILScript can be used as an alternative to FIPA SL language, whenever communication in a natural language is in need (e. g. human / komputer interaction) and/or another systems are insufficient in their expressive power (for example in the area of knowledge representation for resource bounded knowledge based agents).
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- Fuks P. (2006): Simulation environment based on Multi-agent systems. Ve sborníku mezinárodního sympozia GIS Ostrava 2006. Ostrava 2006
- Gajdoš P. (2006): FCA and Multi Agent Systems. In Wofex2006.
My current research deals with a usage of triadic Formal Concept Analysis within Multi Agent Systems (MAS). MAS are hot topic of a current research, although their theoretical background is quite old. They become more popular in many branches, because they provide solutions of problems that are too extensive and time-consuming. They provide a connection and a cooperation between several systems. MAS data can be analyzed by FCA. On the other hand, features of MAS enable us to distribute the computation of concept lattices over several hardware platforms.
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- Gajdoš, P., Ďuráková, D. (2005): Object order based on concept analysis and Moebius Inversion Function.. In EJC 2005, Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, 2005, vol. 2005, 62-73, ISBN 9985-59-530-0
Ordering objects of interest according to a given criterion often provides a useful piece of information to solve a problem of information processing. A new method of linear order based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Moebius function is described. The description method uses an example of selecting important key indicators in a specific geographical area. An indicator is defined as a characteristic number (weight) representing in a unique way certain important features of the area in question. The weights are assigned to each indicator in different categories. Using FCA, interdependencies among the indicators are analysed and the indicators are sorted according to their importance and uniqueness in the area description. A new method based on Conjugate Moebius Inversion Function (CMI) was used to evaluate the set of indicators selected as representatives for a pilot area. The output of the method is a sequence of objects / indicators ordered according to their calculated value of importance of every indicator. The method described in the article appears to be an important contribution to the evaluation of regional competitiveness in the 5th Framework Programme RTD project ?Iron Curtain?.
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- Gajdoš, P., Duráková, D. (2006): Object order based on concept analysis and Moebius Inversion Function. In Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XVII. Ed. Y. Kiyoki, J. Hanno, H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, IOS Press Amsterdam, 38-49.
Ordering objects of interest according to a given criterion often provides a useful piece of information to solve a problem of information processing. A new method of linear order based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Moebius function is described. The description method uses an example of selecting important key indicators in a specific geographical area. An indicator is defined as a characteristic number (weight) representing in a unique way certain important features of the area in question. The weights are assigned to each indicator in different categories. Using FCA, interdependencies among the indicators are analysed and the indicators are sorted according to their importance and uniqueness in the area description. A new method based on Conjugate Moebius Inversion Function (CMI) was used to evaluate the set of indicators selected as representatives for a pilot area. The output of the method is a sequence of objects / indicators ordered according to their calculated value of importance of every indicator. The method described in the article appears to be an important contribution to the evaluation of regional competitiveness in the 5th Framework Programme RTD project ?Iron Curtain?.
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- Gajdoš, P.; Děrgel, P. (2006): Triadic Formal Concept Analysis within Multi Agent Systems. Fourth International Conference On Concept Lattices and Their Applications.
This article deals with a usage of triadic Formal Concept Analysis within Multi Agent Systems (MAS). MAS are hot topic of a current research, although their theoretical background is quite old. They become more popular in many branches, because they provide solutions of problems that are too extensive and time-consuming. They provide a connection and a cooperation between several systems. MAS data can be analyzed by FCA. On the other hand, features of MAS enable us to distribute the computation of concept lattices over several hardware platforms. A particular usage of FCA and MAS is mutual as described in this article.
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- Hliněný, P. (2005): Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width, extended abstract. In WG 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2005, No. 3787, 59-68
The Tutte polynomial is a notoriously hard graph invariant, and efficient algorithms for it are known only for a few special graph classes, like for those of bounded tree-width. The notion of clique-width extends the definition of cograhs (graphs without induced P4), and it is a more general notion than that of tree-width. We show a subexponential algorithm (running in time exp O(n^2/3) ) for computing the Tutte polynomial on cographs. The algorithm can be extended to a subexponential algorithm computing the Tutte polynomial on on all graphs of bounded clique-width. In fact, our algorithm computes the more general U-polynomial.
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- Hliněný, P. (2005): Matroidy v teoretické informatice. ITI MFF UK, 2005
Matroidy jsou kombinatorické struktury, které široce zobecňují jak grafy, tak i třeba (konečné) geometrie. Pomineme-li algoritmy v kombinatorické optimalizaci [Edmonds a další], matroidy nejsou příliš rozšířeny v teoretické informatice. V naší přednášce bychom rádi ukázali přehled několika poměrně nových výsledků ukazujících užitečnost matroidů v informatice. Centrálním pojmem naší prezentace je větvená a stromová šířka ve zobecnění na matroidy. (Pojem stromové šířky matroidu nám mimo jiné dává i zcela nový, "bezvrcholový", pohled na klasickou stromovou šířku grafů.) V úzké návaznosti bychom shrnuli naše nedávné výsledky o rozhodnutelnosti MSO teorií na reprezentovatelných matroidech a nastínili možné směry budoucích zobecnění na obsahní matroidy. Závěrem bychom využili příležitost ke krátké prezentaci nového online přístupu k našemu programu Macek pro strukturální výpočty s matroidy. Část prezentovaných výsledků byla dosažena ve spolupráci s D.Seesem a s G.Whittlem.
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- Hliněný, P. (2006): MACEK - real structural computations with matroids. RISC Institute, 2006
Overview of Macek The Macek Project has been developed primarily for math researchers in matroid theory. This project is intended both to help with usual tiresome matroid routines, and to allow for long exhaustive computations over matroid classes. We suggest potential users to read the book [J.G. Oxley, Matroid Theory, Oxford University Press 1992], or online http://www.math.lsu.edu/~preprint/2002/jgo2002e.pdf . The project main web page with recent updates can be found at http://www.cs.vsb.cz/hlineny/MACEK/ , and a new online trial interface at http://linux456.vsb.cz/~macek/ . The Macek package deals mainly with matroids represented by matrices over finite fields and partial fields. Many common matroids are distributed with the program, and new ones may be easily entered. There are various tools for handling matroids, their matrices, and sets of matroids. One may pivot matrices, delete or contract matroid elements, and generate 3-connected extensions for matroid representations. Structural tests for minors, equivalence, connectivity, branch-width, girth, etc, are also provided in the package. From 1.1.9, limited capabilities for computation with "abstract" matroid properties, like isomorphism, flats, aut group, and representability over other fields, are added. You may read about the theoretical background of the Macek Project, and about its use in [P. Hlineny: Using Computer in Matroid Theory Research, Acta Math. Univ. M.Belii 11 (2004), 27-44, http://actamath.savbb.sk]. Other papers dealing with Macek are, for example, [P. Hlineny: Equivalence-Free Exhaustive Generation of Matroid Representations, DAM to appear], or [P. Hlineny: On the Excluded Minors for Matroids of Branch-Width Three, Electr. J. of Combinatorics 9 (2002), R32, http://www.combinatorics.org].
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- Hliněný, P. (2006): The Tutte Polynomial for Matroids of Bounded Branch-Width. In Combin. Prob. Computing 15, 2006, vol. 03, čis. 15, 397-409
It is a classical result of Jaeger, Vertigan and Welsh that evaluating the Tutte polynomial of a graph is #P-hard in all but few special points. On the other hand, several papers in past years have shown that the Tutte polynomial of a graph can be eciently computed for graphs of bounded tree-width. In this paper we present a recursive formula computing the Tutte polynomial of a matroid M represented over a nite eld (which includes all graphic matroids), using a so called parse tree of a branch-decomposition of M. This formula provides an algorithm computing the Tutte polynomial for a representable matroid of bounded branch-width in polynomial time with a xed exponent.
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- Hliněný, P., D. Hliněná, P. Vojtáš (2006): A note on multicriteria decision making. In International conference FSTA 2006, 1.
In this paper we discuss several approaches to solve a problem based on same input data. Imagine we are looking for a suitable hotel for our customers, based on her global evaluation of a s ample. We try to mimic her preferences by many criteria (attributes values). More, it is not clear w hich criterion is prevailing. This leads to multicriteria decision making. In this contribution we will study various approaches to multicriteria decision making, query optimisation and inductive procedures.
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- Horák J., Horáková B. (2007): Datové sklady a využití datové struktury typu hvězda pro prostorová data. In. GIS Ostrava 2007. p. 26.
- Horák J., Horáková B., Sedenková M. (2006): Evaluation of employers' transport accessibility. In proceedings of International Workshop in Spatial Econometrics and Statistics, 25, Rome, Italy. 19 s.
- Horák J., Růžička J., Horáková B. (2007): The Development Opportunities of WebCastle System. In. 1. národní kongres geoinformatiky v Česku. Mikulov, 29. 31. května 2007. ISBN:978-80-86633-79-4.
- Horáková B. (2004): Metainformation Infrastructure in the Czech Republic - the Conception and the Existing Situation, [CD-ROM] In. GIS Ostrava 2004, Ostrava, 2004, ISSN 1213-2454.
- Horáková B. (2005): Directive of the European Parlament and the Board for Development of Spatial Information Infrastructure in EU (INSPIRE). In. Geodetické siete a priestorové informácie. [CD-ROM]. 2005. 10 s.
- Horáková B. (2007): System of European Technical Standardization and Examination of GI standard Harmonization in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. In Geodetické siete a priestorové informácie. 29. 31.10.2007, Podbanské, Slovensko. P. 17. (v tisku).
- Horáková B., Kafka Š. (2002): MIDAS on-line catalogue of geodata of public administration. Global Spatial Data Infrastructure 6 Conference - From global to local. BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, September 16 19th 2002. 10 s.
- Horáková B., Kubíček P., Horák J. (2005): The Geoinformation Infrastructure in the Czech Republic. The Key Role of Metadata. In Proceedings of 11th EC GI & GIS WORKSHOP, ESDI: Setting the Framework, June 29 - July 1, 2005, Alghero, Sardinia. p. 13.
- Horáková B., Růžicka J. (2002): MIDAS - a tool for public administration transformation support [CD-ROM]. In. Proceedings from 8th EC-GI & GIS Workshop - ESDI, Dublin, Ireland, 2002.
- Horáková B., Růžička J., Ožana R. (2007): Development of MetaPortal Prototype and Communication Interface for Czech national environment. In.GIS Ostrava 2007. p. 23.
- Horáková B., Růžicka J., Stromský J. (2005): Prototyp Metaportálu - přístupový bod ke katalogovým službám národní geoinformační infrastruktury. In. Geoinformatika ve veřejné správě. Brno, 2005. CAGI. 8 s.
- Horáková, B., Horák, J., Šimek, M. (2002): Local-scale Labour Market Spatial Analysis. [CD-ROM] In Proceedings konference 23. Urban Data Management Symposium, Praha,1. 4.10.2002 , 2002, 13 s.
- Jarotek, V., Menšík, M. (2009): Interpretace formulí v PL1 do přirozeného jazyka. In DOSTÁLOVÁ, Ludmila - ŠEBELA, Karel (eds.): ORGANON VI: Odkud a jak brát stále nové příklady? Praha: Karolinum
- Kohut, O., Košinár, M. (2009): Communication of Intelligent Agents Integrated to GIS. Accepted abstract In PEŠKOVÁ, Kateřina (ed.).: GIS Ostrava 2009, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2008
Transparentní intensionální logika (TIL) je vysoce expresivní logický systém. Vzhledem k její síle se nabízí její široké užití v oborech umělé inteligence a multiagentových systémech. Představíme jazyk TIL-Script jako počítačovou reprezentaci jazyka konstrukcí TIL se sémantikou definovanou v jejich pojmech. TIL-Script je primárně navržen jako alternativa k jazyku FIPA SL (Semantic Language) a kdykoliv je třeba využt přirozeného jazyka (např. interakce člověk/počítač) anebo když jsou jiné systémy nedostatečné (například znalosti zdrojově omezených agentů). Ukážeme příklad komunikace agentů v GIS užvající TIL-Script a předvedeme implementaci úlohy demonstrující výměnu znalostí v závislosti na vidění agentů.
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- Menšík, M., Číhalová, M. (2008): An outline of plan generation and plan-based decision making in Multi-Agent System, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2008. Ed. Václav Snášel, 978-80-248-1807-8
In this paper the process of constructing a plan and plan-based reasoning applicable to Multi-agent system is introduced. The agents are goal driven, and we describe the way of a dynamic sub-goal generation for the plan creating and behaviour reconfiguration dependent on actual situation in agent?s environment. On the basis of concepts like goal, sub-goal, immediate intention, a decision making algorithm that makes use of a dynamic knowledge base is outlined.
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- Müller, J. (2005): TL - Content Language Based on Transparent Intensional Logic. In WOFEX 2005.
- Müller, J.; Děrgel, P. (2006): Transparent Intensional Logic and Situated Multi-agent Systems. Proceedings of the GIS Ostrava, 2006, ISSN 1213-239X.
- Pauknerová E., Horáková.B, Kafka Š. (2003): Clearing-house for Geographic Information, The Czech Experience, In Proceedings of Workshop of the EC-WG on PSI Directive, Luxembourgh, May 2003, www.EUROGI.org.
- Radecký, M. (2005): Modeling of Processes. In Proceedings of WOFEX 2005, Ostrava:VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2005
This paper was made as a presentation of my results achieved during my PhD. study, supervised by prof. Ing. Ivo Vodrak, CSc. My research interest is in the area of the process modeling that corresponds with my PhD. topic ?Improvement of the Business Process Modeling for Requirement Specification Purposes of the Information Systems?. The whole of my study process has reflected this problematic domain. In this article for WOFEX 2005 workshop, I want to introduce to you two parts of my research. The ideas and some solutions was also published and presented at a number of conferences.
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- Radecký, M. (2006): Agents within the Multi-Agent System. In WOFEX 2006, Ostrava.
My research and study work are concerned with the area of Multi-Agent System (MAS). Why? Because, the importance, attraction and utilization of this area are increased, nowadays. And also, our research project covers some parts of this quite youthful technology. This paper describes a little part of my work. Only the fundamental ideas and conclusions are presented here. Therefore, next ideas, procedures, approaches and solutions are constructed on these grounds and they are included in my thesis concept. The contents of this paper is engaged in the internal behaviors of the Agents and their modeling and specification. Some extensions and modifications of standard modeling technique (UML) are used for this purposes. In additional, the reconfiguration approach, intelligent selection of the most suitable or applicable Process Realizations, the formalization of the MAS Model, etc. are the following approaches and ideas to develop Intelligent MAS. Nevertheless, only the fundamental elements of MAS Model and UML Activity Diagram extensions are mentioned in this paper.
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- Radecký, M. (2006): Intelligent Selection of Realizations within the Agent Behavior. In sborník ECMS 2006, ISBN 0-9553018-1-5
The importance and attraction of the Multi-Agent System (MAS) topic are increased, nowadays. The techniques for the modeling of such systems are indivisible part of their software processes. They have to be applied with emphasis on the special requirements or properties of Multi-Agent Systems, e.g. autonomy of elements, intelligence of elements. This paper describes the ideas and methods to model and develop Intelligent MAS, based on the internal agent behavior, its reconfiguration, and intelligent selection of the most suitable or applicable Process Realizations. The fundamental elements of our MAS Model, UML Activity Diagram extensions or intelligence within the Agent?s life are mentioned in this paper.
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- Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2005): Reconfigurable Intelligent Agents. In sborník UKSim 2008/IEEE, Cambridge: EUROSIM, 2008, p. 543-548, IEEE, ISBN 0-7695-3114-8
The development process of Multi-Agent Systems has similar features to standard information systems. However, there are special requests that have to be taken into account, e.g. general MAS architecture, internal architecture of particular agents, their autonomy and communication. This paper describes a new development tool (AgentStudio) that covers main phases of agent development and simulation. Our approaches support the creation of intelligent agents and reconfiguration of their behaviours.
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- Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2006): Process and Logic Approaches in the Intelligent Agents Behavior. In sborníku EJC 2006, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
The Multi-Agent System (MAS) technology is one of the possibilities of development of modern, powerful and advanced information systems. In the case of the multi-agent systems, some of standard approaches could be used, however they have to be adjusted or extended. This paper describes the ideas and methods for MAS modeling and developing, based on the internal agent behaviors and process modeling. This paper is concerned with the problems of behavior specification and reconfiguration. Our method is based on the process and logic approaches.
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- Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2007): Process and Logic Approaches in the Intelligent Agents Behavior. In Information Modelling and Knowledge bases XVIII, Duží,M., Jaakkola,H., Kyioki,Y., Kangassalo,H. (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 295-300, ISBN 978-1-58603-710-9
The Multi-Agent System (MAS) technology is one of the possibilities of development of modern, powerful and advanced information systems. In the case of the multi-agent systems, some of standard approaches could be used, however they have to be adjusted or extended. This paper describes the ideas and methods for MAS modeling and developing, based on the internal agent behaviors and process modeling. This paper is concerned with the problems of behavior specification and reconfiguration. Our method is based on the process and logic approaches.
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- Radecký, M., Gajdoš, P. (2008): Intelligent Agents for Traffic Simulation. In sbornik SpringSim ADS2008, Ottawa: SCS, 2008, p. 109-115, ISBN 1-56555-319-5
This paper deals with the development of intelligent agents with respect to their process specifications. The development process can be handled and documented by the standard UML tool. UML activity diagrams were extended for our purposes - Agent Behaviour Diagram. Next, the behaviour reconfiguration principle is described in more detail. A learning mechanism of agents was specified thanks to mentioned reconfiguration principle. Our approach was implemented in the area of traffic simulation.
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- Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2005): Formalization of Business Process Modeling. In ISIM 2005. Ed. Jaroslav Zendulka, Ostrava: MARQ, 2005, 235-242, ASU, CSSS, EUROSIM, SCS, ISBN 80-86840-09-3
The role and the importance of the business processes and their modeling are still growing up at nowadays. This expansion is not typical only for the area of informatics or computer science but also for the area of business and management. The correct definition of the process is important for its flawless enactment. For that purpose the correct business process model must be built. There are many tools and techniques available that can be used for that. Some of them are more or less formalized. This paper describes the way how one of these techniques which is called BPM (Business Process Modeling) can be formalized. Also this paper describes the way for mapping coordination diagram onto Petri Nets.
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- Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2005): Modelování chování agentů v multiagentových systémech. In sborník - Informační technologie pro praxi, Ostrava, pp. 50-58, Česká společnost pro systémovou integraci, 80-248-0925-7
Současná doba přináší stále další požadavky na nové, výkonnější a vyspělejší systémy a aplikace. Vývoj takovýchto náročných softwarových systémů, spolu s využitím moderních, složitých a rozsáhlých infrastruktur pro jejich provoz (Internet, Intranet, atd.), však vyžaduje zvýšené nároky na inteligenci, bezpečnost, spolehlivost a samostatnost systémů i jejich základních elementů. Jedním ze způsobu, jak těmto požadavkům vyhovět, je využití moderní technologie multiagentových systémů. Jedná se o nový a perspektivní obor informatiky, nacházející se na hranici softwarového inženýrství, umělé inteligence a dalších přírodních a společenských disciplín. Cílem tohoto článku je nastínit základní vlastnosti a pojmy v oblasti modelování a provozu multiagentových systémů a následně nabídnout náhled na možnosti popisu chování jednotlivých agentů uvnitř systému, a to za pomoci některých technik softwarového inženýrství a byznys modelování.
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- Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2006): Agents and Their Behavior's Reconfiguration. In ECEC 2006. Ed. Uwe Baake, Enver Yucesan, Ghent, Belgium: EUROSIS, 2006, pp. 113-120, EUROSIS, ISBN 90-77381-24-4
The demands for modern, powerful and advanced systems or applications are increased, nowadays. Several current solutions and technologies can be used to comply with these enhanced requirements. The Multi-Agent System (MAS) technology is one of these solutions. A recent point of view on software development process offers many tools and methods for specification, analyze, design, implementation and maintain applications. These facilities can be used for standard applications development, as well as for the systems based on MAS technology. In the case of the multi-agent systems, some of these standard approaches have to be adjusted or extended. This paper describes the ideas and methods to model and develop MAS, based on the internal agent behavior and intelligence of particular agents. This paper is concerned with analyze of the MAS from the agent internal behavior point of view.
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- Radecký, M., Vondrák, I. (2006): Business Process Modeling based on UML Activity Diagrams. In ISIM 2006. Ed. Jaroslav Zendulka, Ostrava: MARQ, 77-84. ISBN 80-86840-19-0
The importance and role of the business processes and their modeling are still growing, nowadays. So, it is important to offer the tools and methods which will combine the facilities and possibilities of process modeling techniques on the one hand and requirements consequent on the demands or potentialities of ?non-informatics process?s user or business user? on the other hand. This paper describes the possible solution of this integration. It is approach to the modeling of business processes by a graphical language that is based on the UML Activity Diagrams. This extended version of Activity Diagrams provides some new extensions, modifications and simplifications which should help to model the business processes. The processes which are modeled by this technique should be easy to construct, easy to read and also possible to verify. The preliminary research and basic introduction to this technique is mentioned in this paper.
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- Radecký, M., Vondrák, I., Štolfa, S. (2004): Byznys modelování a jeho možnosti využití v praxi. In sborník - Informační technologie pro praxi, Ostrava: Česká společnost pro systemovou integraci - Tanger s. r. o.
Byznys modelování se kromě využití pro popis a rozvoj byznys procesů samých stává stále více integrální součástí softwarového procesu, kde tvoří počáteční fázi vývoje software. Mnohdy však není zcela zřejmé, jaké výhody a možnosti přináší začlenění této technologie do procesu vývoje software, a proto je tato fáze velmi často vynechávána a vývoj software tak začíná přímo specifikací požadavků. Další problémy při zařazení byznys modelování do softwarového procesu jsou spojeny s jeho propojením na další, dnes již zcela běžně použvané fáze. V tomto příspěvku si představíme byznys modelování nejen jako nástroj pro popis podnikových procesů, ale také jako standard pro následné definování požadavků na vytvářený systém, stejně tak jako základ pro další fáze softwarového procesu.Ukážeme si možnosti, výhody, ale také problémy některých v současné době nejvíce využvaných metod a technologií pro popis a tvorbu byznys procesů.
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- Radecký, M., Vondrák, I., Štolfa, S. (2004): Modelování byznys procesů v praxi. In sborník - Rozvoj podnikavosti, Ostrava: Vysoká škola podnikání, a.s., 80-86764-15-X
Byznys modelování je dnes velmi často skloňovaným pojmem, a to nejen v oblasti informačních technologií a vývoji informačních systémů, ale také v prostředích méně technicky založených. Mimo vlastní zařazení byznys modelu a jeho tvorby do softwarového procesu je jeho využití také např. při analýzách, organizaci, řízení, a to z pohledu managera či managementu. Tento článek si klade za úkol objasnit základní problematiku a pojmy byznys modelování a nastínit jeho možnosti využití, přínosy a nedostatky při jeho nasazení do praktického použití. Cílem příspěvku není přesně a úplně specifikovat technologie a techniky použvané v této problematice, ale nabídnout čtenáři jakousi vstupní bránu do této problémové oblasti a nastínit možnosti dalšího využití nejen v informačních technologiích, ale i v jiných oblastech.
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- Rapant, L., Vašatová, A., Drozdová, M. (2008): Traffic modelling using cellular automata. In: GIS OSTRAVA 2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic: VSB-TU Ostrava.
- Rapant, L., Vašatová, A., Drozdová, M. (2009): Traffic modelling using cellular automata. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, Košice (submitted)
- Rapant, P. (2007): Prostor v multiagentových systémech modelujících prostorové procesy. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, Košice, Ročník 12(2007), číslo 2, 84-97.
- Stankovič J., Děrgel P. (2008): Cooperative System for Metric Spatial Data Gathering and Processing in Real Time. In proceedings: WORLDCOMP'08/IPCV 2008 Las Vegas, 14-17.7.2008, ISBN 1-60132-090-6 (Print 2), CSREA Press, LV, USA
- Vondrák, I. (2006): Business Process Modeling. In 16th European-Japanese Conference. Ed. Yasushi Kiyoki, Hannu Kangassalo, Marie Duzi, Ostrava: VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2006, 295-307, ISBN 80-248-1023-9
The importance and role of the business processes and their modeling are still growing, nowadays. So, it is important to offer the tools and methods which will combine the facilities and possibilities of process modeling techniques on the one hand and requirements consequent on the demands or potentialities of ?non-informatics process?s user or business user? on the other hand. This paper describes the possible solution of this integration. It is approach to the modeling of business processes by a graphical language that is based on the UML Activity Diagrams. This extended version of Activity Diagrams provides some new extensions, modifications and simplifications which should help to model the business processes. The processes which are modeled by this technique should be easy to construct, easy to read and also possible to verify. The preliminary research and basic introduction to this technique is mentioned in this paper.
Zobrazit abstrakt
- Vondrák, I. (2007): Business Process Modeling. In Information Modelling and Knowledge bases XVIII, Duží,M., Jaakkola,H., Kyioki,Y., Kangassalo,H. (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 223-235.
Process modeling and workflow applications have become more and more important during last decade. The main reason for this increased interest is the need to provide computer aided system integration of the enterprise based on its business processes. This need requires a technology that enables to integrate modeling, simulation and enactment of processes into one single package. The primary focus of all tools is to describe the way how activities are ordered in time. This kind of partially ordered steps shows how the output of one activity can serve as the input to another one. But there is also another aspect of the business process that has to be involved ? where the activities are executed. The spatial aspect of the process enactment represents a new dimension in the process engineering discipline. It is also important to understand that not just process enactment but also the early phases of process specification have to cope with this spatial aspect. The presentation is going to discuss the history of methods used for purpose of business modeling, informal and formalized approach and how the tools based on Petri Nets can be extended with the above mentioned spatial dimension.
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- Vondrák, I., Fedorčák, D., Kožusznik, J. (2006): Business Processes. In GIS Ostrava 2006. Ed. Jan Růžička , Ostrava:VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2006, p. 20, ISSN 1213-2454